Saturday, August 31, 2024

Quick Pickled Eggs Homemade Bread and More

 It has been a busy week. 

I'm trying to get caught up on things and wrap up Summer but I had to get over a sinus infection and double ear infection first and one granddaughter had strep throat. 

I was mostly on the couch with dear hubby taking care of me. But I'm over it except just a still stuffy nose. Seems like it doesn't want to leave me. 😕  But the home making must go on. 

I boiled some eggs and made some quick pickled eggs by just peeling them and dropping them into some pickle brine already from a jar of store bought pickles. Pretty clever huh? Grandkids live this trick. They love just plain boiled eggs as a quick snack too. 

I love to make refreshing sugar free lemonade for these last hot days of summer. Lemon juice, water and Stevia. 

Homemade bread is always a winner and made up a batch of sugar free strawberry jam again for dear hubby. 

Gathered the last of the okra and tomatoes and closing the garden because dear hubby and I are fixing to have to go on his fall work trip. 

School is definitely on a roll and testing already starting. I'm already for fall break. 

Those BER months start tomorrow and Apple season is first. Next year maybe the apple trees we planted will have alot of apples on then and I already see alot of things I'm going to do with them. 

September always kicks off our hunting with dove season and skeet shoots but over the past few years, our kids have gotten so busy living their grown lives that we have not done this for a while. I miss those days. As soon as dove season starts, you can literally hear the sounds. It's a big thing in our neck of the woods. 

We've got confirmed pregnancies in our cows and calves have been weaned. Pastures will be rotating in a few weeks. 

We had to travel for a funeral for my last Uncle. Now, it is just my momma left out of her immediate family. The decision was made to cremate because of transportation from across the US was outrageous.  Plans and permission was given to bury his ashes with his families cemetery where my PaPa and MaMa served as Pastor and Pastors wife.  His only daughter, my cousin, did an excellent job of planning, transporting and officiating the memorial and service. 

My momma is the baby of her family and misses them dearly. We all do. 

We've had an awesome summer and been able to get some projects done. That will be in other posts to share with you. 

Hope everyone has a safe and blessed and most of all, restful Labor Day weekend. 


Keeper of the Home 

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