Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day

 I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday today. Although there are some who still have to work today. 

A good day of rest is always necessary to the body, mind and soul. 

Work is also a blessing within itself. God gives us the ability and the knowledge to do what is necessary to provide for our families. Alot of people think of work as a burden and dread it. 

I always like the verse that says, 

I love to eat so therefore I'm going to work. My dear hubby is the provider of our home and he takes this role seriously.  His thoughts are, " it's not about me anymore, I have a family to take care of". 

As far as me, I take my role seriously too. I may not have a job outside the home now but I take care of my home and my family. I help put food on the table by growing and Preserving our food. In my younger days, I use to be in the working field and helped pay living expenses. So I have been on both sides. 

Work is just something that has to be done in order to survive. We had it made until the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. 

But God gave a way to still help us sustain our lives. We may have to labor and toil but I count it a blessing that I have a family to take care of and bless. 

I try not to see my work as a dread, hindrance, nuisance etc. I count it as joy. 

Dirty laundry means we have clothes to wear. Dirty dishes means we have food to eat. Thus also means dear hubby has provided these things with his own two hands by going to work. 

Let's try to have a better outlook on work from this day forward. 


Keeper of the Home 

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