Sunday, August 25, 2024

Latest Videos on Our YouTube Channel

 We have alot of new videos on our channel from last week and this week. 😀 

Be sure to check them out. Dear hubby made another video all on his own.  He shows you how to take a pork belly and turn it into home Cured bacon

I was busy in the garden and had a ton of tomatoes to process so my video is another quick way I process tomatoes and turn them into pasta sauce for so many dishes. Dear hubby said this is his favorite out of all the other ways I have done them. So I guess we will be doing them this way from now on. 

Then I have a recipe where I am using canned biscuits as the star of the show. 

And if you have been following my Breadmaking for Beginners series, there is a new one today. You don't want to miss it.  4pm today. 

Thanks so much for following us on YouTube.  Hope you enjoy them. 


Keeper of the Home 

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