Saturday, July 27, 2024

Help Your Teachers Out


Parents of Preschool, Pre-K, Kindergarten,  I'm gonna have to help the teachers out a bit. 

Please start working with your children, and practicing at home, basic needs, manners, hygiene, etc. Make sure they know how to properly care for themselves somewhat when they have to go potty. Proper cleaning (wiping), washing and drying hands. 

Getting them selves ready to help your mornings go smoother. 

Help them practice opening lunch boxes, water bottles, containers. Teach them what is to go in the trash and what comes back home. Those zippers and containers can be hard for little hands. 

I know some of these are no brainers but you would be surprised at how many children go off to school and no one taught them how to do these things. 

The teachers are responsible for 20 or more students. If you have trouble keeping up with your own kids, try being in charge of that many at one time. 

Help your teachers out.📚🗒🖍🖌


Keeper of the Home 

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