Saturday, October 5, 2024

Take Care Of Your Spouse Random Acts of Kindness

 Sometimes it's the random acts of kindness that you can do for your spouse that makes all the difference. Take care of each other. 

Dear hubby is all fixed up with breakfast,  lunch and snacks 😋

I also like to prepare his breakfasts too. 

Each week I will make something different so he doesn't get bored. Last week was breakfast burritos. This week and next will be pancakes with sausage and then scrambled eggs, sausage or bacon with a biscuit. I put them into meal prep containers and then he grabs a biscuit. 

I have started preparing his sandwiches in advance and putting them in a bowl wrapped up so all he has to do is grab one and put into his Sistema lunch container. 

Sandwiches can be made and even frozen. The secret is to spread the condiments in between the meat and cheese. Do not spread on the bread. It can soak through. Place other wet condiments like lettuce, pickles, tomatoes in a separate container so they don't make the sandwich soggy. They can put them on the sandwich when it's time to eat it. 😋  If you are making pb and j sandwiches for kids, spread pb on both sides of the bread,  then spread the jelly. It gets sandwiched (no pun intended) between the layers of pb and doesn't soak through. Perfect for freezing a batch. The frozen sandwiches help keep their lunches cool until it's time to eat. Don't worry, they will thaw in time. 

You can actually make lunches the night before and prepack lunch boxes and keep in the refrigerator. Before walking out the door,  grab and go. 

Prepping breakfast and lunches is not hard and it makes mornings go a little smoother. 

I am very adamant on Make Ahead Breakfasts to make mornings run smoother. I did this for our boys and now for our grandchildren since we help with school runs in the mornings. 

You can read one of my tutorials here and see how I do this and my reason behind it. You can also go to the left of the Home page on our blog and there is a Search Blog button. You can type in Make Ahead Breakfasts and it will take you to several more tutorials. I give you plenty of meal ideas that they will not get bored with if you rotate. 

I also have a tutorial on Homemade Lunchables that you can read about here and get alot more lunch ideas for kids, teenagers and adults lunches. 😉 

Please feel free to check out our videos on our YouTube channel as well if you like video versions. 

They are organized onto playlists where they are easy to find

 Here are the links 

Make Ahead Breakfasts Playlist 

Lunch Box Playlist

I hope you find inspiration and ideas on making good breakfasts and lunches for yourself and your loved ones. Everyone deserves a nice meal to eat. 


Keeper of the Home 

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