Sunday, September 29, 2024

Fall Cleaning and Decorating


Fall is here even though we are still in 90 degree weather. Everyone is breaking put the pumpkins and pumpkin spice everything. Although I think of football and deer chilli myself. 

 It's hard to get into a chill comfy state of mind when you're still sweating like a pig. But cooler temps will come soon enough but there is some work that needs to be done before it settles in especially before winter hits too. 

I love to do a deep clean in the spring and in the fall so if you are getting ready for that deep clean before you decorate for fall, here is a good check list and some home made cleaners.

Keep a check on your gutters of your home too. Leaves will start falling and collecting in gutters. They will get heavy when it rains and can cause the gutters to start pulling away from the roof edge. They also clog the down water spouts. This could be added to a Fall Maintenance list for our dear hubby's. My dear hubby gets on the roof every year and blows everything off the roof and out of the gutters and keeps them clean. 

Another maintenance would be to check your floughs if you have chimneys. We clean ours out every fall before the temps start getting low and before we light the fireplace for the first time. I have had many friends in the community have homes to catch on fire because of things accumulating in the pipes. It is not a fun job but has to be done. 

I hope this information helps. 

Keeper of the Home 

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