Wednesday, February 5, 2025

How To Make Homemade Soups For Winter


 Hello friends, welcome to today's post. Boy, that scene looks cold, doesn't it? Well, it may be cold outside but you can always cook up some kind of warm soup to warm your soul and bellies. 

Making homemade soups is not hard at all. I have taken leftover vegetables before and added a soup base, some kind of broth, and maybe some cream and made a soup. You can add meat to it too, like leftover pork, chicken, beef, etc. 

You can make anything with a can of cream of something soup. You can also make your own cream of something soup by first sautéeing a meat like chicken, or any vegetable like mushrooms, or celery. Sautee enough to soften. You want them finely diced too. After they have softened to your consistency, then you make a rue of butter and flour. Just a few tbsp of each. Then add milk, broth, water or a liquid of your choice. Water will need to be seasoned heavily or used to thin down another liquid. Add the liquid to the rue, until you get the consistency you desire. Remember the flour is a thickener, so as it boils it will thicken. You can adjust the amount of liquid. I would start out in small increments. 

After making your own cream of something soup, you can also learn to make bigger batches and then can it for longer shelf life to have on hand and stock your pantry. 

You can find wonderful recipes online or some good trusted cookbooks, but sometimes I just like using my imagination and coming up with my own recipes and varieties. In this video, I explain it all to you and how you can make all these wonderful soups right off the top of your head. Click below, but make sure to have pen and paper ready. 

You can also watch a few of my videos on my a few playlists of mine on our YouTube channel you can catch them here for Hey G-Maw What's For Supper? or here on my Hotel Cooking Playlist 

I can make soup anywhere I'm at, whether I am at home or on a work trip. 

If you like recipes online or in recipe books, here are a few you can start out with to get a basic idea of the ingredients used. Then you can mix and match or come up with your own once you get the hang of it. So, there you have it, making homemade soups is not hard at all. So go warm those bellies and souls up now because Baby It's Cold Outside. 

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Have a Blessed Day
Keeper of the Home 

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