Howdy friends. Do y'all remember when the ground hog saw his shadow and we get 6 more weeks of winter? Well, that could mean 6 more weeks of sickness too.
I chose not to get the flu shot this year and so far so good. I wanted to try some thing different this year. I wanted to try a regimen this year of using my Goldenrod tincture that I made for me and my mother. (Don't worry, I will be doing a full written tutorial before long). Back in the fall, I gathered some Goldenrod and harvested, dried and preserved it 3 different ways. If you are curious and want to know all about it you can watch 2 videos that I made just for this Growing and Preserving Goldenrod series. I needed to make sure everything turned out OK and expiermented with it first before I do a written tutorial.
You can watch the videos here on my 4D Farms Natural Remedy and Apothecary Playlist on our YouTube channel.
This is how my mother and I take the tincture. I will take two dropper fulls in a little bit of orange juice. 🍊
I also made a topical oil that is suppose to work well for so many things. I'm using it for inflammation for my rheumatoid arthritis especially on my feet. Excuse my feet but I needed you to see. I rub on my feet and massage in then put on my socks and shoes. It does not stain your socks.
I also made this topical oil for my boys because they can get within 6 ft of poison oak, ivy or sumac and break out. They don't even have to touch it. They get it so bad sometimes. Goldenrod is great for things like this, also exema and psoriasis.
There are so many more benefits to Goldenrod and I explain all these in the videos. I will work on a written tutorial too for you if you'd like.
Remember to stay healthy, and take care of yourself the rest of the season. Stay warm. Spring is almost here but I've also known it to snow as late as April in our area before.
Eat foods high in vitamins and minerals, get plenty of sleep, take some vitamins, drink fluids, drink or eat plenty of soups that have warm chicken, vegetable or bone broth in them. Bone broth is extremely nutritious. Eat lots of fruits and veggies. Especially fruits.
We are predicted a few more cold fronts, so please stay warm and cozy too. 😊
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Dollar Tree:
I love Dollar Tree and in case you didn't know, you can order from their website online. This is a great feature for anyone who might need to order multiple quantities of something. Perfect for Schools, Daycares, Churches, Nursing Homes, etc. You can find all you need in one place and have it delivered right to your door and you can shop in the comforts of your own home. You can get to their website
by clicking here
Nutri Mill:
Nutri-Mill: Stand Mixers and Grain Mills: ( use Code: 4DFARMS20 at check out) If you are interested in grinding your own grain into flour to turn into the most nutrient-dense bread ever, then you need a grain mill. I love my Nutri Mill Classic Mill. They also have the best stand mixers. You can also purchase grains from them or you can find some on Amazon too. I have a few companies in my Amazon Storefront , who carry Non-GMO grains. You can order any size pounds you like and have them delivered to your home. Look for them on my Kitchen Essentials List along with all of my bread-making utensils, pans etc., that I personally use in my own kitchen to make delicious bread with. Link to my Amazon Storefront is above.
Smokers and Grills for the guys:
PIT BOSS Outdoor Smokers and Grills: are the smokers and grills my guy uses to smoke and grill all of our meats. He even has some videos on our YouTube channel of how he smokes and makes a lot of our meats. He has even smoked eggs before. Yes, EGGS. They were so delicious. One of these bad boys is the perfect gift for anyone who loves to grill or smoke meats. Check them out.
If you are the hunter or huntress in your family, check out
TideWe for all your hunting gear for guys and gals: Most of our hunting seasons are in the fall and winter and their line of insulated hunting gear is one of my favorites. We also love their hunting blinds for ultimate concealment. Be sure to visit them. We have a Hunting Playlist on our channel as well.
Optics Planet, Inc.:
Garden Tower Project:
If you are a gardener and love those flowers, herbs or veggies, but you don't have the garden space, then consider going vertical on your porch or balcony to save space.
You can check out Garden Towers here I know you will find something there you like.
Have a Blessed Day
Keeper of the Home
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