A lot of people make New Year's Resolutions. Not me, because we all know how that goes. I did something this past year, that I will bring into this one. I started praying the Prayer of Jabez and praying scriptures. I want to be a prayer warrior just like my momma.
I want to pray more and harder.
When I started last year, I saw God move mountains. I need more moved.
I saw God answer prayers I've prayed about for the past 10 years. Then some I have prayed for for the past 3 or 4. Then recently.
In the past, I strived to fix things myself. Now I just pray about it and hand it over to him.
I have felt and seen him quench fiery darts being hurled at me, evil forming against me, and more. It was so hard (and still is) to keep still and quiet and let God take care of it. But he took care of me and is still fighting my battles for me just like he said he would.
I have so many more "unspoken" things that I am praying about and I know he is hearing because I'm not letting go of that garment.
I no longer worry about fitting in because my Bible tells me to be set apart. I don't let people get to me (still hard and working on that), and I don't worry about talk because I "Let Them", as long as me and God are ok, I don't worry about it. I will keep going, and God will open eyes to more truths that I can't talk about right now. People can be mean. Even ones that you have loved and trusted for years and years can hurt you. It will surprise you. But God does allow you to make healthy barriers.
You have to for your peace of mind. I and my family will let them be them, but God has got us in his hands. We will carry on because we stay dedicated and loyal til the end. God will right all wrongs.
Also, with that being said, if you have secretly asked me to pray for you, just know I will continue to do so. I haven't forgotten you. 🥰
As far as personal goals are concerned outside of my spiritual goals, I do find things here and there that occasionally I want to try or experiment with or play around with or just all out want to learn how to do. So I do set out to make plans to learn and research. Now, if they do not come about or the year has gone by and I didn't get around to accomplishing those things, then it is not a big letdown. I don't feel pressured because I didn't feel obligated. Resolutions are just that, they make you feel obligated to carry them out and when you don't, it makes you feel like a failure. Don't get caught in this trap. Take one day at a time. Don't get overwhelmed. Breathe. Relax. It's going to be a good year.
I hope you all have the best New Year Ever and just stay focused.
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Very inspiring and important to do things one day at a time, thanks for sharing.
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