Monday, January 27, 2025

Garden Cleanup and Getting Ready for 2025 Spring Season

 Hello Friends, welcome to today's post. 

We have been in the throws of closing down and cleaning up the garden to get it ready for the upcoming spring and summer season. We are trying to do this between snows. We missed getting it done before the first one over a week ago, but now we have to. We had to let it dry up a bit to get into the garden. 

We always start by taking down the solar fencing because we do not like leaving it up all winter in the bad weather. This could cause it to wither and rot and cause it to not work right when the time comes. We roll it up, remove clips, take down the solar panel, and put it in our garden shed. 

Next, we start stripping down the cattle panels of dead vines from veggies or plants. They are all hard and brittle by now so this is no problem. 

I always have helpers in my garden anytime I need them. 

Then we take down cattle panels and t-posts because we rotate items every year. For example, where we had the tomatoes this year, they will be planted in another row. Where the tomatoes were, something else will go there. Rotating vegetables helps spread the nutrients and condition the soil. 

We finish removing any dead debris that we can. We put up all tomato clips and make sure we leave no ties lying around to get hung up in the tiller or bush hog. Dear hubby will come behind us and bush hog down big tall things like okra and corn stalks. All things left in the garden can be used as compost because they will weather and rot into the ground over the winter. 

Now is the time to plan what you would like to do  to condition your soil for the next season. You can mulch your garden with hay, leaves, compost, etc. Getting a good soil test from your local extension office will help tremendously. This will help you see what nutrients your soil is lacking or not and be able to adjust as needed. We like to Lyme our garden every 5 years or so and fertilize with a triple 15 ration. That is Potassium, Phosphorus, and Nitrogen. This is in general what we use all the time because we know our soil. By collecting a soil sample and having it tested, you know exactly what your soil needs. Once you find out what your soil is lacking, you can compensate and get the fertilizer that you need. The best time to fertilize or Lyme is right before heavy rain or snow. A snow would be better because it will melt the fertilizer right down into the soil slowly. Then you can mulch with whatever you like. 

Now your garden is all ready to just hang out and do its thing over the winter while you do your thing. This is the time to be looking through all those wonderful seed catalogs, researching what you have room for or maybe want to experiment with, drawing up your plans, and just sit back and dream. Oh, and wait for those seeds to come in the mail. 

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Have a Blessed Day
Keeper of the Home 


  1. I am so excited for spring and getting back to gardening!

  2. This sounds like a lot of work but that it'll be worth it. I love that you have little helpers too.
