Thursday, October 17, 2024

You Asked, I Delivered

 I recently posted a Hey, Gmaw, What's For Supper post. You can read it  Here

After that post, I have had several people email me and want to know how I canned my caramelized onions and butternut squash.  

Here are two videos that are very detailed and gives full instructions on how to do so. 

If you would like a readable version, you can read about it Here on our Canning and Preserving page 

As far as the steaks, that is a specialty of dear hubbies that he makes his own itilian groud sausage from and so far he has not done a video on it. I will be working on him (encouraging) to possibly making a video next time he makes some for our freezer. It may take a lot of persuasion and sweet talking but I think he might oblige. Lol 😆 🤣 😂 

I hope you find some ideas on how you can preserve some of these delicious goodies for you and your family. If you would like to learn how to start growing these delicious goodies, feel free to  Check out our Gardening Page here and read all about it. 

If you are interested in getting into canning and want to know what kind of equipment I use, feel free to check out our Amazon Storefront here and find my Canning and Preserving List. On it you will find everything that I use in my own kitchen and I stand behind the quality of the products. 

4D Farms is an affiliate with Amazon and when you make a purchase, we do receive a small commission at no cost to you. You benefit from the savings. And we appreciate your support for our farm. 

If you want to start learning how to Can and Preserve so much more and want visual versions, I have a whole Canning and Preserving Playlist on YouTube here where you can watch all videos of all the things we preserve. Also included is a couple of vidoes of explaining how canning works,  busting some myths, and equipment you will need to get started. So much information.  

If you want to start growing your own garden and be getting ready for next spring, I also have videos on our YouTube channel on my Gardening Playlist that you can watch here 

It is my hope you find much inspiration and knowledge to be able to be self sufficient for you and your family. 

If you are not able to grow a garden, there are always ways to still stock your pantries and freezers and Preserve these items just by purchasing items from local farms,  farmers markets, and shopping the sales at your local grocery stores. We do this sometimes for things we either can't grow in our garden or do not have the extra space or energy for a particular year in our garden 😉.  For instance, I can't grow carrots for the life of me. I have tried many different methods and have not had any success. So, here I go to our local grocery stores and pick those babies up when they are on sale and buy them in bulk, bring them home and then process them. Beans is another good example. They are cheap and someone else did all the labor of growing. 

I always say, where there is a will, there is a way. Be creative and do what you can. 

I have also just put new designs in our Merch Store you can find here. We have a Canning and Preserving and Gardening Collection.  I am loving creating and playing around with designs. We will be adding more in the coming weeks. Be sure to check out our store. The holidays are coming up. 

Be sure to chat with me in the comments and let me know what are some of your plans to becoming more self sufficient.  


Keeper of the Home 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Hey G-Maw What's For Supper?

 Hey G-Maw, What's For Supper? Well, tonight I have prepared Itilian Pork Steaks smothered in home canned caramelized onion gravy, served alongside butternut squash nestled in a bed of mashed potatoes made from my home canned potatoes.  Also served with homemade dinner rolls made with molasses. 

So what is Itilian Pork Steaks you ask? Well, dear hubby took ground pork that we had processed from a hog and added Itilian sausage seasonings to it. Then I turned them into Steaks. He outdid himself and I made a 5 star 🌟 🤩  meal. 

Use your imagination when it comes to cooking with your garden produce. 😋 


#recipes #cooking #instagram #dinner #dinnerideas #supper


Keeper of the Home 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Today Is The Day


 Today starts Amazon Prime Big Deal Days.

You can get a jump start on your holiday shopping. So many deals at great prices. 

It only runs for two days. Today and Tomorrow. So snatch these savings up. 

Hop on over and see what all you can find and save money as well. 

You can shop here if you like and help a girl out.   

4D Farms LLC.   is a partner in the affiliate program. We do make a small commission on each sale at no extra cost to you. 

Happy Shopping 🛍 ☺️ 


Keeper of the Home 

Monday, October 7, 2024

After School Idea For Kids

Here is a good idea when you're headed to the car rider line at school. Have a snacky snacky and something to drink waiting on them when they get in. 

Alot of kids have eaten really early and the little snack they are givem has already wore off before school is out. Since kids burn calories quicker than we do, they need to replenish those. If not, they can get CRANKY. They can eat a snack before you get home and be more calm 😌 and ready to tackle what comes next. 

They might even be more focused and be able to get their home work done or chores because they are not hungry. 

This also helps if it is going to be a while before you get to eat supper. 😋

If you forget to have something ready for them when you pick them up and get home, you can always let them sit down and unwind for a few minutes and have a snack. This is what  ours looks like sometimes. We can relax, calm down and just talk while enjoying a tea party and cake. Fruit is a good option too. 


Keeper of the Home 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Preserving Pineapple Pickling Vegetables and Homemade Pizza

 My girls did awesome today. Few cuts, few tears but they cowgirled up and pushed through and now we have 3 jars pineapple chunks, 3 jars pineapple juice, and 8 jars of pickled veggies. 🥒🫑🥕😊😊


#preserving #homesteading #prepping #veggies #pineapple

If you want to see video versions of how we process and preserve pineapple and how we like to pickle vegetables,  you can check them out here:

Then dear hubby outdid himself with supper. 

He made roasted tomato, basil and fresh mozzarella homemade pizza. 

Let me say it was delicious. 


Keeper of the Home

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Take Care Of Your Spouse Random Acts of Kindness

 Sometimes it's the random acts of kindness that you can do for your spouse that makes all the difference. Take care of each other. 

Dear hubby is all fixed up with breakfast,  lunch and snacks 😋

I also like to prepare his breakfasts too. 

Each week I will make something different so he doesn't get bored. Last week was breakfast burritos. This week and next will be pancakes with sausage and then scrambled eggs, sausage or bacon with a biscuit. I put them into meal prep containers and then he grabs a biscuit. 

I have started preparing his sandwiches in advance and putting them in a bowl wrapped up so all he has to do is grab one and put into his Sistema lunch container. 

Sandwiches can be made and even frozen. The secret is to spread the condiments in between the meat and cheese. Do not spread on the bread. It can soak through. Place other wet condiments like lettuce, pickles, tomatoes in a separate container so they don't make the sandwich soggy. They can put them on the sandwich when it's time to eat it. 😋  If you are making pb and j sandwiches for kids, spread pb on both sides of the bread,  then spread the jelly. It gets sandwiched (no pun intended) between the layers of pb and doesn't soak through. Perfect for freezing a batch. The frozen sandwiches help keep their lunches cool until it's time to eat. Don't worry, they will thaw in time. 

You can actually make lunches the night before and prepack lunch boxes and keep in the refrigerator. Before walking out the door,  grab and go. 

Prepping breakfast and lunches is not hard and it makes mornings go a little smoother. 

I am very adamant on Make Ahead Breakfasts to make mornings run smoother. I did this for our boys and now for our grandchildren since we help with school runs in the mornings. 

You can read one of my tutorials here and see how I do this and my reason behind it. You can also go to the left of the Home page on our blog and there is a Search Blog button. You can type in Make Ahead Breakfasts and it will take you to several more tutorials. I give you plenty of meal ideas that they will not get bored with if you rotate. 

I also have a tutorial on Homemade Lunchables that you can read about here and get alot more lunch ideas for kids, teenagers and adults lunches. 😉 

Please feel free to check out our videos on our YouTube channel as well if you like video versions. 

They are organized onto playlists where they are easy to find

 Here are the links 

Make Ahead Breakfasts Playlist 

Lunch Box Playlist

I hope you find inspiration and ideas on making good breakfasts and lunches for yourself and your loved ones. Everyone deserves a nice meal to eat. 


Keeper of the Home 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Traveling With Kids How To Keep Your Sanity


Fall Break is upon us and everyone this making plans to possibly go on a trip with the family. Are you going to be traveling with kids? 

I am no stranger to traveling with kids. We have traveled by truck pulling a 5th wheel camper, by single vehicle and by plane. 

It can be apprehensive when thinking about traveling a long destination with kids. But it doesn't have to send your anxiety through the roof. All it takes is careful planning and I would suggest don't wait until the last minute. 

First I would start by getting the vehicle prepped and ready. Most important is maintenance your vehicle. Get the oil and tires checked. Get an oil change if need be. Make sure everything is safe and in working order. Many plans have fell through because someone has started out on a trip and something has happened to their vehicle. Flat tire, low oil that caused engine trouble or radiator over heating. There is nothing more stressful than being stranded on the side of the road with kids. 

Make sure to have all vehicle insurance up to date and printed off and possibly put in the glove compartment That you can reach quickly if you get stopped. If you are traveling abroad, get passports early and ready. Check on immunization if you are going out of country. 

Here are some tips on Traveling Safety in a video: 

Next, I would get my vehicle organized and cleaned and clean car seats. 

I have some videos that can help with car organization.  I always keep a tidy, clean and organized truck. The reason why is because you can't travel with an already messy vehicle. Number two, everything is in its place so I can find it while driving should I need something. Number three, I have things in my truck that if I need it, it's there.  My motto is, "I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it". In this video I show you things I keep in my truck especially safety items and women's necessities. Also I touch on things I keep in my truck for kids. 

Here are visuals of things I have in my truck at all times:

Some energizing essential oils. I made this little contraption myself. I glued a little scrap of felt material onto a clothes pin. It hooks perfectly to my vents. I sprinkle a few drops of essential oil on it and the air from the vent dispurses the aroma. This helps keep you awake and alert while driving. 

I have my console organized with important information should emergency personnel need it in the event of an accident. Alot of people have screen locks on their phone so this want help should someone need to find a next of  kin. So I write things down on a piece of paper and place in a plastic zip bag. I have a phone holder for hands free driving. I use this as my GPS. My truck is an older and there is no sense in me paying to update my navigational system, so I just use Google Maps. I have charging chords and adapters, a little trash bin, a notebook to record exits where restroom and gas stations are. I know these show up on maps too but there is just something about pen and paper I rely on. You know, like old paper book maps. I have medical essentials like Tylenol etc. I have the remote to the back DVD player and all sorts of other things. 

In the bac of my truck is a cloth cubby organizer where I keep a jug of water (I'll explain in a second),. a blanket, first aid kit, jumper cables, and a bag of women's essentials in case of accident (extra feminine products, a change of underwear). You never know when you might have a menstral accident. A  small tool box with a few tools in case of a break down. Tire gage, etc. 

In my side panels of drivers side and passenger side I have hand sanitizer, barf bags and a pack of hand wipes. Umbrella, and yes a duster to occassionaly wipe some dust off things while at a stop light. I carry a small dustpan and little hand broom for easy clean ups sometimes from times we get sand in the back of the truck from the lake or crumbs and spills. I have some times used my truck to haul bags of mulch and a few times a bag has been busted, so you know what that means. A mess. Hence, that's what the broom is for. It fits right in the back in a hidden compartment out of sight along with hauling tie down strap. My owners manual to my truck is in my glove compartment along with vehicle registration and insurance  information so law enforcement can see my hands at all times if stopped. 

Now, let's get to the topic on hand. Traveling with kids. 

I have mostly traveled with kids in a vehicle but I know alot of people travel by plane, bus, train etc. Some of these ideas are interchangeable, some you will have to be really creative. For instance, you can't ask a pilot to stop the plane and pull over for a potty break. Right? 

When planning a trip with kids keep a few things in mine. The time you will be traveling, entertainment, and food. Kids need to be comfortable and have what they need or your trip is going to be long and miserable. 

First is to consider the time you are going to be traveling. Which is better for you, night traveling or day traveling. I know alot of parents who will choose night travel because you can let the kids wear their pj's and fall asleep when it is their normal bedtime. 😴  They will be sleeping most of the way and it will be quiet and you can focus and concentrate. If you go by plane or etc., schedule a night time flight or fare. 

Split the driving responsibility.  One drives, one rests. Then swap. One person will not be doing all the driving and will feel fresh and rested when it's their turn.  If one person insists on doing all the driving, then account for frequent breaks to stretch and recoup. When you take a break to stretch, get the kids out to stretch as well and make sure they potty then. 

If you choose to travel by day, you will need to really be creative, on alert and be ready to entertain and keep the kids happy. 

Kids get restless when having to sit for so long especially if they are in a carseat or buckled in. This is where entertaining comes in at. 

I like to pack what I call Busy Bags 🎒 or Activity Back Packs. In these bags or back packs, I will have small items such as, 

. figets for hands and fingers

. sticker books and stickers 

. coloring books and crayons

. small toys such as hot wheels or little dolls

. mini piece puzzles

. small container of play doh and a cutter

. mini game or playing cards

. a lap tray to play on 

. tablet, iPad, small gaming console, headphones etc. 

. books

. stuffed animal,  pillow, blanket 

Basically any small toy or activity that can fit in a back pack or small bag. Each child will have one and they keep up with them. Set them right beside them in their seat or within reach of them. I also have back seat organizers so each child can reach and get what they want and I stock it well. You can see it in the video above. I find alot of these items at Dollar Tree for little to no money. Very inexpensive. 

I also created Activity Binders or Busy Binders. I bought some 3 ring binders, sheet protectors, a pencil pouch that hooks on the rings in the binder, some dry erase markers, and erasers, and an activity book. (all from Dollar Tree). I tore out the pages and placed in the sheet protectors. They can use the markers and erasers on the sheet protectors. They wipe right off and can be used over and over again. I also printed off a few Travel Bingo printable. I added this to the binder in sheet protectors. They get to spot things while traveling and mark it off. Wipe off. Reuse. Smart huh? They love it. 

Here are some examples:

Here is the  road trip bingo. You can put it in one of these or you can put into a sheep protector in a three ring binder along with other activity pages as shown below

Consider taking some small toys for where you are going to be staying as well such as cabin, hotel, Air B and B etc. 

Here are some activity back packs I made from Pioneer Woman placemats. Yes, a place mat. I have some little activity books, coloring books, crayons, pencils, little note pads, mini puzzles, figets, sunglasses, small hand toys, and water bottles. 

Here they are in action using what they have. These things really come in handy and they know how to clean them up really well. I the seat between them is a cloth cubby where they put their backpacks, neck pillows, blankets, and tray. Oh, yes, a tray to do activities like playdoh. I thought of everything. 

Do you see how they keep themselves entertained? Nice Huh? They also have a dvd player in my truck. If we go in someone else's truck, they have a tablet with educational games, bible stories and songs. Also a set of headphones. 

For babies, most of these things would be in their diaper bag like teething toys or small toys. Something hanging from their carrier or carseat. Mom might need to sit by baby or an older sibling that can help entertain baby. 

Then there comes the snacks. Kids still need to eat and you do too when traveling but stopping to eat all the time can make you loose time and spend extra money that can get expensive. Take the time to pack a small cooler with sandwiches,  chips, snacks, water etc. The passenger can hand out what everyone needs or if you do alot for extra time,  find a nice place to pull over at a rest area and have a picnic. This helps to stretch, wake up and potty. 

I have these little gadgets in my truck as well for putting food in to pass back to each kid. It helps cut down on spills and messes. We do this if we stop somewhere and go through a drive through. 

Make sure to research and find out where rest  stops, gas stations and restrooms are. Maps and GPS can show you these things.  Sometimes while traveling, you might have long stretches in between gas stations and restrooms and accidents can happen. You can get stuck in traffic along the Interstate and not move for minutes or even up to a few hours. And that is just about the time someone is going to have to potty. 

Now, do you remember that jug of water I mentioned above? Call me crazy but I also put a port a potty in my truck for kids. It's easy for males to pull over and potty but not females. The water is to clean out the potty after using. This has saved us a few times. No, I do not let them out on the open where passing cars can see to squat. We put it in the floor board or in the back of the truck and they can have privacy. To use these, you can put a plastic sack, an opened diaper, pull up or even a puppy pee pee pad in the bottom. After using, take out and dispose of in a trash bag and throw away at your next rest stop or gas station. Please do not litter the roads. One is inflatable and one can be stationary, which ever you prefer. I also take the inflatable potty and put in diaper bags in case there is no restrooms where we may be going. We went to a rodeo one time and when it was intermission, the line was so long and I had a potty training granddaughter who was fixing to wet her pants and no one would let us pass. So, G-Maw to the rescue. I passed some people explaining I just needed to change a diaper (oops) and fixed my own little stall over to the side in a corner of the bathroom. I blew it up really quick, she got undressed quickly while me and another person were holding a blanket around her creating a privacy barrier. Hey, you gotta get creative where kids are concerned and you do what you have to do.  After her business, we took it to a sink and deeply cleaned it, sanitized it, dried it out, and deflated it. I stuffed that baby back in the diaper bag and we went about our business like no ones business. 

This is my inflatable one: 
Do you also see the hanging organizer from the back of the seat? It holds extra sippy cups and toddler water bottles, a box of wipes, trash bags, puppy pee pee pads, drink packets and a few extra packages of snacks. I never take this stuff out. Here is why. One time on a trip with my husbands work, we went out to eat. At a table next to us, a couple with a toddler came in. She had no diaper bag or anything. I guess she was sure there would be no need to have one. Well, the restaurant was super busy and the child was getting hungry and fussy. I politely asked her if she cared if I ran to  my truck and got a little bag of extra snacks and a little note pad and a few crayons for her. She said she didn't mind at all and was very appreciative when the child was entertaining herself and proudly and happily munching on some Fruit Loops. It made me happy. 

Also, plan for some car sickness. We have had a few episodes with that as well. Pack some motion sickness meds and barf bags. We had an incident one time where our youngest got sick and just spewed every where. Then it became a chain reaction. Our oldest was next then me. Dear hubby was trying to find a place to pull over coming down a mountain on a very narrow two lane road, hauling a 5th wheel camper behind us with cars all behind us. It was not pretty. Our clothes were soiled,  two careats soiled, and smelled to high Heaven.  We finally managed to get somewhere and pull over, change clothes and clean seats and car seats as best as we could. Poor kids had to sit in their carseats with no covers because we had to strip them off and put them into a garbage bag until we could get them washed. It was awful. I learned that day to figure out a plan for the next trip and now it comes in handy today. 

Now, traveling by other means than your own vehicle,  you can still implement some of these ideas and some you will have to be creative. I traveled one time by plane with a 5 year old and 7 month old so I know how this works. And I could not have asked for two better children that trip. Everything went smooth. I know sometimes it will get hectic but planning is the key. Take into consideration their ears and the pressure with high altitudes. This may be the cause for fussiness. 

Here is a few videos that you can have a visual of all the things we just discussed. 

As far as packing goes, I am a firm believer in packing cubes. Those things are miracle workers. You can out outfits in there and they miraculously squish into the cube and zip up to tight. You can organize them into groups. What I mean is, you can organize clothes by sets or have shirts in one, shorts or pants in another. That way you grab a cube for what you need because you will know what's in it. They keep your suitcase organized too instead of just everything being loose and getting unorganized. Packing for kids is so much easier. You can pack or roll up a complete set and put a one day outfit into a ziploc bag and squish all the air out and zip up. Write a day on it like Monday outfit. Evening will be in a bag. They will just pull out a bag a day. Place a shirt,  bottoms, underwear and socks and roll up and place in the bag. Try to pack as light as possible. When packing for grown ups, they to pack a pair of pants and a few shirts that match. This way you can swap out shirts with that one pair of pants and not have to pack so much more. Pack shoes that will go with multiple outfits to cut down on how much you take. 

I may travel with alot of things but they are compact and there when I need them to make our trip more pleasurable and comfortable. Comfortable kids = comfortable trip. 😌 

Here is a video of how I pack my clothes and kids clothes that helps reduce space: you an start about the 27:00 minute mark if you like:

And once last thing you can't forget if you are traveling with young ones? Ummm, are you going to carry them the whole time? I thought not. You can't forget your stroller. Yep, I have a double stroller. I have one that I call the G-Maw mobile. I had two granddaughters under two at the time and I could not carry both at one time. That's where this baby came in at. As you an see, it served me and my mother very well. We also had the ease of knowing they were safe too. 

It held all of their needs as well as ours, but here is the thing, you can fix one up by using some simple hacks to create more space and here is how in this video:

I hope some of these ideas have helped and has sparked creativity to help with your family and traveling situations.  I know these ideas have helped me alot when we traveled with our own, now traveling with grandchildren and me traveling with my dear hubby on work trips. 

Please be safe while traveling and take care of yourself too as the driver. Your family needs a focused, rested and not stressed driver to make it safely to your destination and have a wonderful time on your family trip. 😊  Safe travels as you return home as well. 


Keeper of the Home