Hello Friends, welcome to today's post.
Boy, I sure hope this post finds everyone ok and well. There is so much sickness going on isn't there? Virus' galore, upper respiratory junk, flu a-z, more covid, fevers ransacking our kids, and many more.
I know a lot of these sicknesses are due to viruses and honestly, there is nothing you can do for them except let them run their course and hope and pray it doesn't last long. But in the meantime, you can suffer and not feel well at all. It's especially harder on kids. I hate it when kids are sick, they are so pitiful and helpless. I also know people don't like running to the doctor every time either because like I said, half the time it's a virus and nothing you can do, but you still need confirmation and rule out other things that it is not. But those doctor visits add up. More and more people are researching herbal home remedies now and I don't blame them. I have trust issues with a lot of medications and especially the side effects.
I believe with all my heart what the Bible says in Genesis 1:12:
12 And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
I believe that everything God made was for our benefit and essential to our very beings. If God said it was good then that's good enough for me.
Now, before you just go out here picking things and popping it into your mouth, please do research. Disclaimer: I am no doctor and I do not have a degree in anything. Please do your homework and research on things before you want to try something. Find a trustworthy source such as a book from a well known certified herbalist. There are plenty on Amazon. I will leave our Amazon Storefront link down below so you can go and find some. I have done a lot of research myself and found tons of information. I have researched what herb is good for a particular ailment and what does not pair well together. I have been able to take supplements successfully along with my Arthritis medication. My doctor has also approved. He knows how I am. Also, be sure to talk to your doctor before you try something. If he absolutely turns his nose at natural remedies for minor things, then I might be questioning that. I am by no means putting doctors down, it's just that some are not open-minded to holistic and natural remedies because there is no money in that. I mean, you can't medicate healthy people, right? Well, someone had to say it.
All I can say is, if your convictions are leading you to want to know more and you want to research, please do. It is between you, God, and your doctors. My doctors know I will not run to them every time I have an issue. They know I do my homework and I will run it across them and they have no problem with my convictions. However, there are times when I do know medicine is what I need. You have to use common sense and know your body. Also, be mindful that exercise and a nutritious diet come into play too. God also said our bodies are our temples. Aren't we supposed to take care of our bodies? You betcha.
I have ordered a few books that I love and am reading more into. One is The Lost Book Of Herbal Remedies by Nicole Apelian, Ph.D and Claude Davis. I have several more that I am interested in getting and they are in my Amazon Store on my Book's and DVD's List. I will have the link to our store below.
If you are interested in some of the things I already use in my home Apothecary, and want to learn how to make some of your own simple herbal remedies for starters, you can watch my videos on my Natural Remedies and Apothecary Playlist
Make sure to have a pen and paper with you. The one on Goldenrod is very enlightening and informative.
Here are a few examples of simple ingredients that help relieve symptoms or get rid of them altogether:
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