Sunday, February 23, 2025

Did You Have A Good Hunting Season?


Hello everyone, I hope this post finds you happy and well. 

I don't think I ever asked you if you had a good hunting season. In our area, our hunting season ends in early February with duck hunting being the last season. 

We love to hunt, but with getting our pastures established this year and last year, we haven't had the chance to hunt in a while. Normally, we hunt during turkey, and deer season. Our oldest is the avid duck hunter but this year, like I said, we had to shift our focus on cows. Not to mention, his season was wonky due to it being his turn in rotation to be on call with his job. Bonkers. 

We usually have a very good hunting season and dear hubby loves to process a lot of our deer. He has his own method and does wonderful things with the meat. He has made deer bacon, deer jerky and lots more. If you had a good season and you have a surplus of meat and not sure what to do with all of it, check out his video playlist here on how he processes these meats from deer 

If you are interested in getting into hunting, I have a video playlist for you here as well. I take you along on a few hunting excursions with me. 

I hope you enjoy them. 

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If you are curious about any products you see in our images or that we use in our kitchen, please feel free to visit our Amazon Store where everything is organized into lists for each category. 

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We also have a Novelty Merch Store for 4D Farms where you can find apparel, housewares, and novelty gifts for yourself, friends, and loved ones. We hope you like our custom-made designs by me and one of my daughters-in-law. They are our own and copywritten. 

Have a Blessed Day
Keeper of the Home 

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