Monday, May 27, 2024

We Remember Memorial Day

 Today is the day we remember all who gave their all for the freedoms we have today. They paid the ultimate price. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Let's Get Wiser

 I am a firm believer that God created everything for our substanance, but when mass production, commercial industries and long shelf life preservatives (chemicals) came on the scene, it depleted the nutrition and and added things our bodies don't need that makes us sick. 

You want better food and healthier bodies? Start reading labels and research. The food pyramid is still good for us, yes, even the carbs and starches. You have to use them wisely and know the resources where you get it from. God never intended harm to pur bodies only good.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

New Videos On Our Channel

 Check out our newest videos on my YouTube channel and there is more to come 

There is a video for every niche. There are Homemaking, Gardening, Cooking and Canning. Hope you enjoy 😉 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Start Your Christmas Shopping Early

 I know it's just May, but here is a Christmas tip:

Look for sales coming up from all your favorite places you love to shop. Pick up gifts here and there from now until December. You will have your Christmas 🎄 shopping done and here is another fact because I worked in retail for 5 yrs. Most of the sales they run through the year are some of the same ones they run for Black Friday specials. Sometimes they are even better.

You can also checkout my videos on how to get an early start and have stress free holidays. I promise, you will thank me later in the year.

You're welcome.
#christmas #christmasshopping #nostressholidays #getreadyforchristmas

Happy Mothers Day

 Happy Mothers Day to you from all of us here at 4D Farms. Be sure to catch my Homemakikg Series if you are looking for ideas to make your home and schedule run smoother. We wear many hats in our families and hold down the fort being Keepers of our homes. But it does not have to be hard or complicated. I have a whole playlist on Homemaking and more videos to come. See you in the next video. #newvideos #comingsoon #youtube

YouTube Channel

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Weekend Fun

 Well, I got up on this morning and started for home. 

You better believe while I was driving over that, that my sunroof was open and low and behold a barge was coming. Not today Satan.

I made it just in time to get in the car rider line at school to pick up one granddaughter. Then picked up the other one. Got home and unloaded. Changed clothes and got straight to work in the garden. We didn't have much time because the clouds were coming. We got it tilled and got one thing planted. We were exhausted. 

These girls work harder than some grown ups. Sweat and all. G-Maws little farm girls. 🚜 👩‍🌾👩‍🌾

The youngest wanted to learn how to run the tiller to like big sissy. So, I let her with super vision of course. I have a self propelled tiller that dear hubby got me because he loves making my life so much easier. 

Of course I had to bring some goodies home. Because that's how I roll. ❤️❤️

Since it rained all night, we couldn't get back in the garden the next day so it was a lazy, cozy, playing day. 

They loved the dresses I made. I guess I will be making more. I may make one for myself. You can read about it and see the dresses in previous posts. I need to finish one and I've got one more to make and will be doing a video on it as a tutorial. 

We had tea parties and hair dressing parties. 

The next day, it was still wet so we got to play more. They didn't get to get out in the garden with me before they had to go to Mommy's house. More rain was coming. 

The next day, I prayed for God to hold off the rain just long enough for me to get my tomato and pepper plants out. 

I left my Aerogardens with my momma back in February. She started some tomatoes and peppers in them for us. This is the result of her handy work. 👏

She did a very good job. They came to visit one day while the girls were here and brought them with them. More on that in a bit. 

I got them all in the ground and just as I got my behind in the back door, it started raining. 

We are downsizing the garden this year and only growing what we need to restock. We are only doing tomatoes,  peppers, okra and zucchini. The zucchini is only for Pickling. We have gone through just about every jar I canned last summer and same goes for the okra. 

The tomatoes will be for multiple things. We are out of peppers for cooking and canning roasted peppers. 

Our oldest son came and helped me section off the garden and put my solar electric fence back up for the new perimeter.  

If you want to know how we plant things in our garden, you can check out our Gardening Page here on our blog in the titles in the subheading. Or you can check out our videos on our Gardening Playlist on our YouTube channel. 

 YouTube channel for 4D Farms 

Gardening Page here on blog 

As I said earlier, my Momma and Daddy came to visit. We used this as our Mothers Day visit because I would be going back to AR and wouldn't be here for Mothers day. 

We had a great visit. Our youngest son came and cooked us brunch and visited with us. 

After all was complete in the garden, I had to get ready to head out for AR again the next morning. 

I arrived back to dear hubby and all is well in his world again. Now that we have been at each other's side and me traveling with him the past few years, he had grown accustom to it and he hates when I'm not there. 

We only have a week left here on this job and we will be packing up and heading home. He is so excited to get back to doing all his things he loves and spending time with family. 

I've got to get in this kitchen and prep him some breakfast meals for work every morning. Before I left, I had him fixed up with breakfasts, lunches and suppers to last him until I got back. They are all gone and need to get him covered for this week. 

I will see you all in the next post. I might even do a post on make ahead freezer breakfasts for you that I'm going to go prep right now. Until then, enjoy this weather and your day. 

God Bless. 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Welcome May

 Bring on the month of May. 

Teaching Work Ethics

 Well, Kansas was good to us, but not the wind. That wind would take your hair and try to take your scalp with it. Phew! We had the opportunity to stay on a big working cattle farm with about 300 pregnant cows. David got to help alot of days when he was off. I got to help a few times taking care of the chickens. Not to mention playing with baby kittens. Our hosts were very gracious and David learned some things and me and his wife did some crafting and baking bread. All in all it was a good experience.  🐈🐈‍⬛🐂🐄🐔🐓🥚🥩

Then it was on to Arkansas.  Dear hubby got to have two days off so we left Kansas,  swung to Arkansas and dropped our stuff off and drove home for two days. I suprised the granddaughters and picked them up from school and preschool. Needless to say they were overjoyed. They had everyone crying and we had to pass around tissue boxes. 

We got to spend two days at home and started on some things to get ready for summer. Dear hubby mowed and got my garden spot ready for me. He had a helper though. This girl is not afraid of hard work. She loves helping in the garden, mowing with poppie and feeding the cows. 

So God made a farmer. This girl is not afraid of work.

The other one hung out with me. God made a little girl to play with bubbles, kitty cats and dirt.

I am so glad we have farm girls. And they have good work ethics. We need to get back to teaching work ethics to these young whooper snappers. 

Dear hubby was so excited to see the cows too. We have switched pastures for rotating and they are at his mommas where our son and his wife live now. We didn't get to see them this trip because of the hours they were working. One of the cows spotted his truck right away and ran to the fence. She loves him. 

Dear hubby and our oldest son are building their dream. 

Our youngest son and his wife finally had a photo shoot done. It has been a long time. They don't get involved with social media much. This momma cried. More pics to hang on the wall. 

It was time to go back to AR and start that job. We are almost done with this work trip. I am making a little trip home to swap places with our oldest son. I'm going to spend the weekend with the girls and get some things planted in the garden while he goes to AR for an Artificial Insemination Clinic one of the colleges is offering. It is a 3 day class and he will get together with dear hubby one night or two and eat and hang out with him. Then we will swap places again and I will come  back to AR  and we will finish out the job. 

My momma is coming too one day. Before we left on our work trip, I sent my two Aerogardens and some seeds home with her. She started pepper and tomato seeds for us in them. They are doing great. She will be bringing them with her and we will get tomatoes and peppers planted. Then we are planting just  zucchini and okra this year. We did an inventory of our goods and we are only growing what we need to replace this year. I am mostly growing the Zucchini and okra for pickles and pickled okra. Those were the two biggest hits from last summer and almost all jars are gone. These granddaughters have eaten them up and I have helped eat the Zucchini Pickles up too. I am so glad they love them. We will plant some sun flowers too for the birds. 

An eventful weekend for sure.Well, I need to get up and get on the road so I can get some things done. Next post will be all about our progress. 

If you want to know how I made Zucchini Pickles check out my video