We absolutely love Chinese food but we don't always get the opportunity to eat out, not to mention, it can get expensive. So I started learning to make my own. So, come with me and I'll show you how.
I went grocery shopping (yes, we are on a work trip) for all my ingredients. I am used to finding a lot of these ingredients in my freezers at home, but you do what you have to do when you are not at home.
These are all the ingredients we will be using.
Cabbage Rolls or Spring Rolls
Brown ground beef, and drain
Chop cabbage and shred. Shred carrots
add to pan of meat mixture
add as much of these as you want for seasoning
cook until cabbage and carrots are wilted down
Follow the directions on the back of wonton package for rolling the mixture into rolls
Fill with meat and cabbage mixture and roll
Shallow pan fry or deep fry until golden brown. Set aside.
Cauliflower Fried Rice:
Cut up and chop heads into smaller pieces
mince a little smaller in food processor to resemble rice
In a skillet with some oil, fry some remaining shredded carrots and the riced cauliflower until softened just a little.
Add some more of these to fit your taste. These are what we use but you may use something else.
Add your can of sweet peas and heat. Set aside.
Stir Fry Vegetables:
Chop up all vegetables and sautee in a skillet with some oil until almost softened. I like mine with still just a little crunch.
Add some more of these. As you can see, these are my go-to seasonings for Chinese takeout. When they are seasoned really well, set aside.
Last but not least, Sweet and Sour Pork
Chop and slice chops into 1 inch cubes. In a skillet brown with a jar of Sweet and Sour sauce until meat is done. That's it.
Plate all these goodies up, serve and enjoy.
I have a recipe for Yum Yum sauce but in a pinch, I will pick up a bottle of the sugar free from the store. You can also find Duck sauce to dip your cabbage rolls in.
I hope you enjoyed this short tutorial and try to make some. Be sure to let me know how it turns out for you and what all you made.
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If you are curious about any products you see in our images or that we use in our kitchen, please feel free to visit our Amazon Store where everything is organized into lists for each category.
4D Farms LLC. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Our storefront link is an affiliate link that earns our farm a commission at no additional cost if you click through and make a purchase. You can trust that we recommend products that we use in our own home and love and maybe some we wish to have. Our storefront is designed to help you locate items easily by specific, organized, and titled lists.
We hope you find something that you enjoy. We also have our channel designed by playlists so you can find your favorite topic to search for certain videos easily. We hope to see you there also. Subscribe to our channel so you can be notified when new videos are uploaded. Be sure to turn your notification bell on too or you will miss them.
We also have a Novelty Merch Store for 4D Farms where you can find apparel, housewares, and novelty gifts for yourself, friends, and loved ones. We hope you like our custom-made designs by me and one of my daughters-in-law. They are our own and copywritten.
Hello everyone, I hope this post finds you happy and well.
I don't think I ever asked you if you had a good hunting season. In our area, our hunting season ends in early February with duck hunting being the last season.
We love to hunt, but with getting our pastures established this year and last year, we haven't had the chance to hunt in a while. Normally, we hunt during turkey, and deer season. Our oldest is the avid duck hunter but this year, like I said, we had to shift our focus on cows. Not to mention, his season was wonky due to it being his turn in rotation to be on call with his job. Bonkers.
We usually have a very good hunting season and dear hubby loves to process a lot of our deer. He has his own method and does wonderful things with the meat. He has made deer bacon, deer jerky and lots more. If you had a good season and you have a surplus of meat and not sure what to do with all of it, check out his video playlist here on how he processes these meats from deer
If you are interested in getting into hunting, I have a video playlist for you here as well. I take you along on a few hunting excursions with me.
I hope you enjoy them.
If you enjoy our blog and content, be sure to sign up to receive emails when a new post is published so you don't miss a thing. We would love it if you would join us. Enjoy your reading.
If you are curious about any products you see in our images or that we use in our kitchen, please feel free to visit our Amazon Store where everything is organized into lists for each category.
4D Farms LLC. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Our storefront link is an affiliate link that earns our farm a commission at no additional cost if you click through and make a purchase. You can trust that we recommend products that we use in our own home and love and maybe some we wish to have. Our storefront is designed to help you locate items easily by specific, organized, and titled lists.
We hope you find something that you enjoy. We also have our channel designed by playlists so you can find your favorite topic to search for certain videos easily. We hope to see you there also. Subscribe to our channel so you can be notified when new videos are uploaded. Be sure to turn your notification bell on too or you will miss them.
We also have a Novelty Merch Store for 4D Farms where you can find apparel, housewares, and novelty gifts for yourself, friends, and loved ones. We hope you like our custom-made designs by me and one of my daughters-in-law. They are our own and copywritten.
Howdy friends. Do y'all remember when the ground hog saw his shadow and we get 6 more weeks of winter? Well, that could mean 6 more weeks of sickness too.
I chose not to get the flu shot this year and so far so good. I wanted to try some thing different this year. I wanted to try a regimen this year of using my Goldenrod tincture that I made for me and my mother. (Don't worry, I will be doing a full written tutorial before long). Back in the fall, I gathered some Goldenrod and harvested, dried and preserved it 3 different ways. If you are curious and want to know all about it you can watch 2 videos that I made just for this Growing and Preserving Goldenrod series. I needed to make sure everything turned out OK and expiermented with it first before I do a written tutorial.
This is how my mother and I take the tincture. I will take two dropper fulls in a little bit of orange juice. 🍊
I also made a topical oil that is suppose to work well for so many things. I'm using it for inflammation for my rheumatoid arthritis especially on my feet. Excuse my feet but I needed you to see. I rub on my feet and massage in then put on my socks and shoes. It does not stain your socks.
I also made this topical oil for my boys because they can get within 6 ft of poison oak, ivy or sumac and break out. They don't even have to touch it. They get it so bad sometimes. Goldenrod is great for things like this, also exema and psoriasis.
There are so many more benefits to Goldenrod and I explain all these in the videos. I will work on a written tutorial too for you if you'd like.
Remember to stay healthy, and take care of yourself the rest of the season. Stay warm. Spring is almost here but I've also known it to snow as late as April in our area before.
Eat foods high in vitamins and minerals, get plenty of sleep, take some vitamins, drink fluids, drink or eat plenty of soups that have warm chicken, vegetable or bone broth in them. Bone broth is extremely nutritious. Eat lots of fruits and veggies. Especially fruits.
We are predicted a few more cold fronts, so please stay warm and cozy too. 😊
This post contains affiliate links to which 4D Farms LLC. participates and earns a small commission on purchases you make when visiting our links at no extra cost to you.
If you enjoy our blog and content, be sure to sign up to receive emails when a new post is published so you don't miss a thing. We would love it if you would join us. Enjoy your reading.
If you are curious about any products you see in our images or that we use in our home or on the farm, please feel free to visit our Amazon Store where everything is organized into lists for each category.
4D Farms LLC. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Our storefront link is an affiliate link that earns our farm a commission at no additional cost if you click through and make a purchase. You can trust that we recommend products that we use in our own home and love and maybe some we wish to have. Our storefront is designed to help you locate items easily by specific, organized, and titled lists.
We hope you find something that you enjoy. We also have our channel designed by playlists so you can find your favorite topic to search for certain videos easily. We hope to see you there also. Subscribe to our channel so you can be notified when new videos are uploaded. Be sure to turn your notification bell on too or you will miss them.
We also have a Novelty Merch Store for 4D Farms where you can find apparel, housewares, and novelty gifts for yourself, friends, and loved ones. We hope you like our custom-made designs by me and one of my daughters-in-law. They are our own and copywritten.
Other affiliate links for your shopping experience:
Dollar Tree:
I love Dollar Tree and in case you didn't know, you can order from their website online. This is a great feature for anyone who might need to order multiple quantities of something. Perfect for Schools, Daycares, Churches, Nursing Homes, etc. You can find all you need in one place and have it delivered right to your door and you can shop in the comforts of your own home. You can get to their website by clicking here
Nutri Mill:
Nutri-Mill: Stand Mixers and Grain Mills: ( use Code: 4DFARMS20 at check out) If you are interested in grinding your own grain into flour to turn into the most nutrient-dense bread ever, then you need a grain mill. I love my Nutri Mill Classic Mill. They also have the best stand mixers. You can also purchase grains from them or you can find some on Amazon too. I have a few companies in my Amazon Storefront , who carry Non-GMO grains. You can order any size pounds you like and have them delivered to your home. Look for them on my Kitchen Essentials List along with all of my bread-making utensils, pans etc., that I personally use in my own kitchen to make delicious bread with. Link to my Amazon Storefront is above.
Smokers and Grills for the guys:
PIT BOSS Outdoor Smokers and Grills: are the smokers and grills my guy uses to smoke and grill all of our meats. He even has some videos on our YouTube channel of how he smokes and makes a lot of our meats. He has even smoked eggs before. Yes, EGGS. They were so delicious. One of these bad boys is the perfect gift for anyone who loves to grill or smoke meats. Check them out.
If you are the hunter or huntress in your family, check out TideWe for all your hunting gear for guys and gals: Most of our hunting seasons are in the fall and winter and their line of insulated hunting gear is one of my favorites. We also love their hunting blinds for ultimate concealment. Be sure to visit them. We have a Hunting Playlist on our channel as well.
Optics Planet, Inc.:
Since we are avid hunters, we rely on ammo, gun parts and scopes to be accurate and on point. You can visit their website here and find all your essentials
Garden Tower Project:
If you are a gardener and love those flowers, herbs or veggies, but you don't have the garden space, then consider going vertical on your porch or balcony to save space. You can check out Garden Towers here I know you will find something there you like.
Hello Friends. Welcome to today's post. Just to let you know, this post is actually a few weeks late. Somehow it got lost in the shuffle and I never hit the publish button so please forgive me for my goof. Here it is now for you to enjoy.
We are halfway into January and work has called us out again.
We left home with snow on the ground and I'll be dog gone we got some more snow where we are. I guess God wanted to show us more of his beauty in this Winter Wonderland in the Bayou.
This happened at few days after we arrived. Good thing we were all snuggled in our little cottage.
We love to stay here when we come to LA. We rent a little cottage and I make it as homey as possible.
When we arrived I was looking for my little friend I made here 3 yrs ago and he did not disappoint. He came right to me as he always did since I always fed him out of my hand. I named him Petey but his name is Pretty Boy.
When you get the chance, Google Hemingbough in St. Francisville, LA. We are staying on the grounds in one of the cottages. However, it is under new management and so many great changes and renovations are coming.
There is not a lot to do in this area. Baton Rouge is just 30 to 40 minutes down the road. I brought plenty of things for me to do to keep me busy. This is one of my sewing places. That means I bring my sewing machines and some projects with me that I want to do or that need to be done. I need to make some more pj bottoms for the oldest granddaughter because she is getting so tall just like her Daddy. I have a few projects I want to sew for myself and one or two for dear hubby. Yep, I am no stranger to sewing men's button-up dress shirts. That is on my projects list.
I brought some more things with me as well.
Welcome to the family. A new hydroponics system. Yep, I brought it with me so I can have some greenery and a garden vibe in the winter by starting some fresh herbs to cook with. 🪴 🌱 🌿
This one is a 12 pod so I can grow more in one system. If you are interested, it is in our Amazon Store (linked below), and it is on my Gardening Essentials List. There are many different brands, styles, sizes, and colors to choose from. We also use these Hydroponics systems to start seeds for things like tomato and pepper plants to transplant in our garden outside. We bought my mother one a few years ago for Christmas and she loves it. You can use these all year round and grow things for porch or container Gardening as well. Perfect for older ones who still want to garden but can't do it outside. This might make a nice Christmas gift or any-time gift for someone this year.
I love being able to still make homemade bread and rolls no matter where I go. I have learned how to make bread and this cottage has a full-size oven and stove so that means bread 🍞 bread 🍞 bread 🍞 for us.
We had rolls with our supper the first night.
Dear hubby made some ribs and tenderloin at the same time in the instant pot and I paired it with mashed potatoes, coleslaw, and baked beans.
The next night, we used some rolls to make sliders out if and made BBQ sliders with the leftover sides.
The next night, I sliced the bread loaf and made some cheesy, garlic toast to go with spaghetti that he made.
This morning I used some slices and made us some grilled cheese and served it with some sausage.
We make a great team wouldn't you say?
After breakfast, I started simmering a poppourri mix that was given to us by one of our daughters in law mother for Christmas.
The cottage is smelling so good.
I have been teaching my momma how to make bread as well. She was a tom boy growing up and would rather be outside with my PaPa than be inside learning how to cook and such. That's OK. I am so proud of her. This was her loaf she sent me a pic of this morning. I am so proud of her. My baby is growing up. ❤️
Dear hubby is already missing the cows and working on the farm 🚜. He will be OK. Our boys are battening down the hatches back home. We can still see them with all the cameras we have on our property.
It want be long and we will have new calves on the ground. 🐮🐄
Well, I am going to have my second cup of coffee ☕️ for the day or maybe a cup of warm Golden Rod tea. 🤔
In the meantime, I hope you will check out our newest videos on our YouTube channel. There are plenty more new things coming this year.
Here are a few:
If you enjoy our blog and content, be sure to sign up to receive emails when a new post is published so you don't miss a thing. We would love it if you would join us. Enjoy your reading.
If you are curious about any products you see in our images or that we use in our kitchen, please feel free to visit our Amazon Store where everything is organized into lists for each category.
4D Farms LLC. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Our storefront link is an affiliate link that earns our farm a commission at no additional cost if you click through and make a purchase. You can trust that we recommend products that we use in our own home and love and maybe some we wish to have. Our storefront is designed to help you locate items easily by specific, organized, and titled lists.
We hope you find something that you enjoy. We also have our channel designed by playlists so you can find your favorite topic to search for certain videos easily. We hope to see you there also. Subscribe to our channel so you can be notified when new videos are uploaded. Be sure to turn your notification bell on too or you will miss them.
We also have a Novelty Merch Store for 4D Farms where you can find apparel, housewares, and novelty gifts for yourself, friends, and loved ones. We hope you like our custom-made designs by me and one of my daughters-in-law. They are our own and copywritten.