
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Happy Birthday To My Second Born

You know that song,  Bad To The Bone? Well, I think they wrote it just for this guy. He is a cross between Chuck Norris and Johnny Cash. πŸ₯‹πŸŽ΅

 His personality consists of, stubbornness,  hard headed, truthful (even if it hurts your feelings), a good debater (he can argue with a brick wall), independent (wants to do things his way), flies by the seat of his pants and on the wings of my prayers kind of guy, logical (he can talk about anything from politics to religion, to guns and ammo), however, I need to find a box of common sense on sale( he just lives in the moment, there is no telling what hes gonna do next), private, tough exterior(no bullying him). But at the same time, honest (even if it lands him in trouble,  he cowboys up and takes his punishment),🀠,loyal(you got a friend in him), sensitivπŸ¦„, soft interior (he wouldn't want you to know that)πŸ₯€ determined(more like stubborn and hard headed),  moody ( he could have been a girl), πŸ‘Έ witty(no telling what hes liable to say),goofy 🀑(only I get his dry sense of humor sometimes), and has a protective instinct (Silence! He will kill you!) and an "I got this"   or "I'll figure it out" mentality (usually after 10000s of times), I did not get gray hair from being a Gmaw. If ever a kid has made me step up my game on parenting, it's this guy. Phew! 🀦‍♀️  

These are all good qualities that gets him into a little trouble right now,  but someday, out in the real world  he will do great. 

Seasons and change has come into his life at times to where he's had to improvise, overcome and adapt. He will have the hang of this when he goes into the USMC one day just like dad. πŸ‡±πŸ‡·πŸ‡±πŸ‡·πŸ‡±πŸ‡·

Maybe someday he will finish unfinished business. πŸ₯‹πŸ₯Š

I always prayed that God would use my boys and they would have a great testimony, but didn't know how much my patience would be tested and that I'd hit my knees in prayer more. This one has made me laugh,πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ made me cry,😭😭😭 made me scream, 😀😑😱made me want to pull my hair out, pray the hardest, πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™and longest soooooo....his testimony better be GREAT.  

But you know what I like most about this guy? HE'S MINE!!!!!!  He is just like me and my mini me. I can't think of anyone I'd rather have on my team or have my back. 

Son, always do the RIGHT thing, always trust God to lead and guide you. I want you to dream big, but at the same time play it smart and safe. 

I hope you have a very Happy birthday πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

We love you very much and never forget that.  We just want the best for you and for you  to grow into a respectable man full of honor,  dignity and integrity.  Always do your best even if you don't  know why you're doing it. 

We love you son. HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Another Good Day

 Today was another good day with my girls. 

Unicorn πŸ¦„ School is now in session.  Practicing cutting.

We've made bracelets, and now just a little tracing and colori✏️πŸ–ŒπŸ–

A little Home Ec....letting them make their own mini pizzas out of bagels into the air fryer.

We read books before nap time like we always do and they said their prayers. These girls are learning more about praying and how to pray. If you've never heard a child pray πŸ™,  you need to.

Caroline was whining and restless during nap and it woke me up. I went ahead and got up and had my 2nd cup of coffee. She proceeded to get up after me. We were being very quiet as not to wake Atleigh. A little later I noticed Caroline running fever. Atleigh woke up and came in the living room with us.  Caroline began to whine again and hold her ear. She has been battling a Doble ear infection for over a month. Has been through two different rounds of antibiotics.  I am afraid they have not gotten all of it and it is coming back. I call mommy to see if she wanted me to take her to a clinic with walk ins since we are closer. She said ok.  After much aggravation we had to come back home. Sometimes it just takes Unkie Dallas to make a child all better. He holds her and comforts her while I put drops into Caroline's ears and a warm compress. Also to his lovely assistant, Brylee for warming up the compress and letting a long legged 4 yr old jump on her to keep her happy. πŸ˜€  Aggravated that a clinic turns a child away half an hr before they close and this child is standing there running fever. To say I'm upset is a very big understatement.  I'm p...o......fuhfuh......πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ as Peanut would say

Thanks to Dallas for cooking supper every night this week so far. πŸ˜‹

Daddy came to pick them up. If Caroline is still hurting in her ears, mommy will take her to the dr. 

They will be with their other grandmother for the next few days.  They will get to spend a night with us over the weekend.  

Right now, this Gmaw is tired and going to bed. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Good Day With My Girls Today

 I got up early this morning to have my coffee and read my devotions and have my prayer time before the girls got here. 

Breakfast got a thumbs up but it always does because it is their favorite. 

Sometimes you just have to play cowgirls and horses 🐎 πŸ˜‰

It's rough driving cattle....cowboys gotta rest.

Atleigh shared her crown with me this morning.

So....I was reading this to the girls today before nap. I asked Caroline should I read it again and she plainly said, "NOPE!"  🀦‍♀️πŸ™„ We have alot of work to do.

After nap we rode the Ranger and went in front of the deer cameras and waved. They automatically go to dear hubbies phone on an app. He saw us waving at him. They get the biggest kick out of that. 

Even though deer season is over for us, we still sat in our deer stand to look for deer. 

We came in and ate and then daddy came to pick them up. 

Tomorrow is another day. 

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Enjoying My Time With Dallas

 I think it is sinking in to Dallas that he is fixing to be away from home and family for a while. See previous post. He has hung out with me more and talked to me more. We have been watching a movie every  night. He has even taken over the cooking. Which I am really enjoying.  

The girls have enjoyed going to some rodeos the past few weeks. They love rodeos as much as their Daddy does. 

I get  to have my little  buddies for a few days this week. We are going to have so much fun. 

Well, I have to get up early so I can be at my best for my girls. C yall later

Friday, January 21, 2022

Im Falling Behind

 Hello everyone. I have been so busy here lately making videos for our channel that I have fogot to post. 

Last week we had the girls everyday.  We got to spend alot of time together. Sometimes you just have to shave with an audience. 

We made pizzas one night. I mostly let her do all the work. 

I made a video just for fun with the girl making our own noodles for Mac and cheese to put on YouTube.  They had a ball. So did I and it got a thumbs up. They were delicious. 

Uncle Dallas playing horse with the girls. 

Sometimes you just have to carry the Princesses.  Lol. Our weather has been crazy.  

Caroline: "I'm not your best friend." Laughs. " Yes, you're my best friend, I just aggravating you Gmaw!" I swear this kid is just like her Poppie, Daddy and Uncle Dallas. 🀦‍♀️

I have had this week to myself. I have had to do alot of computer clean up. I had 4 yrs worth of pics and home videos I needed to get onto dvds. 

Do ya'll remember when I said sometimes God closes doors that is just not meant for you to go through but yet he opens another door? Well, it happened. The Marines door got closed and only God knows but he opened another one for Dallas. He is bound and determined to serve. He will be leaving in a couple of weeks for Basic Training with the United States Army πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ. We can't wait to see the things he accomplishes. 

I have to tell yall a story. It's ironic how things happened to Dallas (see previous post). The same thing happened to David Dixon . When David was a Sr. in high school, Nanny signed for him to go into the delayed entry program then after he graduated would head to Basic Training with the Army. Well, the day he left to board a plane, they lost his paper work. That door got closed. But God opened another door. So, a year later, three weeks after we started dating, he came in and said, "I'm joining the Marines!" And off he went. Both were headed one way, but God took them another. Now, I will have one of each.

I spent one day making homemade cinnamon rolls and recorded a video for YouTube. The next day, I make lasagna noodles using my Kitchen Aid attachment. I turned around and made home made lasagna and recorded it for YouTube.  Ya'll our channel is growing.  I never thought anyone would be interested in what I had to say. You can check us out at Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms.

It's time to get back to some blog work now and update our blog looks. Kind of like a fresh start


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Couldn't Break The Tie

 Well, I went back hunting the next day. Dear Hubby let me do it all by myself. All the group started coming back out and the buck I wanted came out and was at the top of the hill by the road. As soon as the camera got his pic dear hubby told me to be looking. Well, I was. He never came down my path. I could not shoot up that way due to houses being  across the street. Not safe at all. They all finally crossed the road onto other property. Dagnabbit. Oh well,  we have enough to give us some deer sausage, jerky, and some other things too. Dear hubby has worked on that for two days.  Doesn't he look good in an apron....

The girls are here with me this week. We are back to having fun. 

Yesterday,  I got the girls on breakfast duty. Biscuits, deer sausage and eggs. They did a good job. Full bellies.

This morning was Waffle duty. I snuck in bananas and oats. They never knew what hit them. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… I double recipes and batch cook. Then I put in the freezer and when they want waffles, I just pull them out, heat them up and viola, healthy instant breakfast. Cooking from scratch is not expensive and it is healthier. 

These little sinks have been life savers. 

One wants to help in the kitchen the other wants to do the outside work with the tractors and horses. Unicorn princess and Muddy girl. ❤❤πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

I'm trying to get all our Christmas stuff taken down and put back in storage. 

We rode the Ranger yesterday and we love riding by all the deer camera and the pics going directly to Poppies phone. We just wave πŸ‘‹ πŸ˜…πŸ˜… 

Dakota got off work and came and ate supper with us. And some things never change in my living room. 

I'm trying to spend as much time with them as I can before we leave on the next job again. 

Tomorrow is another day. 😊 

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Trying To Break The Tie

 Boy,  I woke up this morning and couldn't hardly walk.  I felt like I bench pressed weights all day and I am so sore. I want be climbing his stand again. πŸ™„

I'm trying to brave the elements and break the tie. Really, I'm just testing out new hunting gear and clothes. Dear hubby has worked hard trying to find me the warmest clothes he could find and ways to stay warm so I can hunt during the last part of the season. I don't do freezing cold. 😩 πŸ₯Ά During the winter, I just about hibernate.  If I could take this little heater with me every where I went in the winter, I'd be great. May take it to church with me. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜Š

Had a pretty exciting time. 6 does and a buck came out. They all spread out in my view. Dear hubby text me and said there was the buck I was looking for behind our house which is further away and out of view. So, I get out of my blind and made my way up to the back of the house. I met another buck coming my direction down a gully and had to freeze in my tracks. Mind you it's now 26 degrees outside. He was looking straight at me. He turned and was going up the ravine and I started walking up the hill. Low and behold there was another group of does and another buck behind the house. I was keeping my eye on the other buck and ran right up on this group. I crunched in some snow and spooked everything off. I headed back down to my blind because dear hubby knew I was upset and was going to push them back down my way. I told him if he could get a better shot then take it. 

I got back in my blind and got comfortable again.  I heard a shot.  Waited. Text dear hubby to see if it was him.  It was. He shot but missed because his hands were hurting from the cold. He never misses. He didn't have on any gloves. He just threw on a Hoodie and binoculars and came out of the house.  Then he grabbed his gun. 

When he saw he missed, he went back in the house. He didn't want to disturb anything again. A few minutes later all the does started coming back out. I was waiting to see if the buck would come back out behind them, he never did. Legal shooting time had ended so I came out of my blind and headed back inside. 

The good news is, my clothes kept me pretty warm, but if it had not been for me little heater,  I couldn't have stayed out there that long.  

Maybe tomorrow since it's the last day.  We will see. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Boys 1 Girls 1

 Warning: explicit photo, sensitive.

I finally got to go hunting again yesterday.  

Yesterday  we had a Date day in the hunting blind with my sweetheart.  You know they love you if they can be in the same blind with you hunting. πŸ˜… 

This was our view of a beautiful sunset. Nothing like watching the sunset with your love ❤.  Oh, and freezing your tooshie off. πŸ˜…

Sometimes it pays to freeze your tooshie off. Boys 1 Girls 1. Momma brought home some bacon......ummm.....deer.

Now it's Boys 1 Girls 1. We will go again tomorrow. This is the last week for our hunting season and we are hunkering down to get some more. 

He will be processing deer next week and I will be taking down Christmas decorations.  

I forgot to tell ya'll I started a new book and love it. 

If you thought Proverbs 31 was a humdinger for women to follow, try studying Titus 2:3-5. I'm on chapter 13 and see I have more work to do. It is not easy carrying out our role of women as our High Calling from God. But if we were passionate about it and got down to business, alot of home lives could be saved. And to you Men. You also have a calling in your role as a Man of God. Things he commands you to do. If you do these things and live and practice your high calling, home lives would be saved too. Man nor woman can do it alone. It takes teamwork.

Today I just had to scrub down my kitchen.  I couldn't stand it anymore. Not to mention I am incredibly sore from hunting yesterday.  Dear hubby had a small job to do for a friend and put up a meter pole for him. Tomorrow we will resume hunting. 

Tonight is just fixing chicken pot pie for supper and then relaxing. 

Monday, January 3, 2022

We Live In The South

 Yes, we live in the south where the weather is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 

Last week it was in the 70's. One day got up to 76 degrees. Tornado watches and warnings all around.  In less than 36 hrs we dropped to 21 degrees with sleet and snow. Yes, we get excited about snow around here and a little apprehensive.  We don't see snow often.  

Snow on the ground, fire in the fireplace and Chilli going in the crock pot and pj kind of day.

My thoughts have been lingering lately on the New Year. No, I don't make new years resolutions because I fear I want see them through. I am an overthinker. Ultimate overthinker. I made a Facebook post the other day and this is my thoughts. 

It is my ultimate prayer that in this year 2022, everyone will look more to the Bible for the answer to life's problems. In it is the only place you will find happiness, truth, brutal but loving advice, encouragement, love, etc. Stop relying on Hollywood, TV, magazines, talk shows, news, internet, social media, inexperienced know it alls, uneducated biased individuals, video games and music to teach you how to live a life pleasing to God. Look at how some of their lives are turning out and you will see that they missed the memo somewhere. πŸ“ The Bible will not lie to you. 

The older generations are the smarter ones, they didn't have all these things and they relied more on the Bible. Find an older mentor that you trust and sit at their feet and listen. They know a thing or two if you will just give them a chance. They didn't get to where they are by stupidity.  

Instead of Googling it all the time, try Bibleing it. Young people are being purposefully misguided, misinformed, manipulated, played for a fool and they are laughing at you because they are dumbing you down. Do you like being made out to be a fool? Then break the cycle. Parents, dust off those Bibles and read them, read them to your children. Teens, if you don't have a Bible, get one. Read it. Parents, pay attention to what they are learning in school. Alot of curriculum is forced on teachers to teach because it is the states decision. Even if your child is homeschooled, if they have any access to internet, they are learning more than you think they are learning and you will never know. And there is always those out there who tells kids to keep it between them or don't tell anyone, it's our little secret. That's the kind of people I'd like to .........well you know. Get in your kids business, you are the parent. It's ok to make your kids mad. Mine stayed mad at me pretty much all their life and still do cause I come down hard on them and they are grown. My job will not end until I am 6ft under. If you do your job as a parent, and they grow up and still do stupid stuff, let them learn. It is between them, the Good Lord and the law. Maybe one day they will thank you for it. As long as you do your part, you did not fail as a parent. 

Young parents, for the sake of the next generations, please get those Bibles out. 

I have lived on this Earth 5 decades and I can testify that I have seen it change 4 of them. To the worst I will say. No wonder people are having identity crisis and don't know their purpose in life. Someone else is telling them what to be and they are listening.  

I truly hope this helps someone. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year

 I hope everyone enjoyed their New Year. 

I truly hope and it is my prayer that each and every one of you have a very happy and blessed new year and may you find happiness. It can start by simply drawing closer to God, praying,  following his leadership (not your will), and trusting.

We rang in the new year by making Poppie some peanut butter balls that are his favorite that his momma always made him.  πŸ˜‹  And some were licked with ❤ 😍 πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…. Then we watched Clifford the Big Red Dog. Nope, I didn't start crying until Atleigh did. She is such a sensitive soul. Then we said our prayers and prayed that 2022 will be alot better. 

We woke up this morning and we got the first snuggles of the year. 

One of my presents for Christmas was a Keurig that can make the froth for Latees and Cappuccinos. I need to learn how to make the little heart πŸ’• but it will be ok. No, that is not a bottle of alcohol, it is Hazelnut syrup that is sugar free to flavor our coffees. I love it πŸ˜€

This has been a good week with our girls. It was like it use to be and I have to say I miss it. Atleigh asked me why I had to start going to work with Poppie and I had to explain to her that Poppie is tired of being by himself and he wanted me to be with him so I could take care of him. I asked her would she like for me to take care of her Poppie for her and she said yes. We have always had this planned as soon as our last kid graduated high school. Bless her little heart she wasn't prepared. She loves staying with us and so does Caroline. 

Due to some unpleasant issues with Dakotas babysitter he had, we have to find someone else. We have to make a decision as to how we are going to handle it. Let's just say, it is hard to trust people these days and to know that your children are taken care of. This is why I did always keep our girls.  My son and ex daughter in law knew I took care of them and they never had to worry about anything. We are searching recommendations at the moment but I will go back to helping until it is time for us to leave again. 

Some days just call for some board games. Candyland, Farming Game Kids, and a little fishing. We love doing school, playing games, reading and then just playing. 😊

All week they did nothing but eat eat eat eat. Quesadillas, noodles, peppers with ranch, chips, and fruit roll ups. Sounds like a good lunch to me. These girls have ate and ate and ate and ate........oh, and fruit. They can have all they want.

The girls had a follow up dr appt and I took them to it so mommy or daddy wouldn't have to take off work to do it. So we had a girls day out.  

I ordered some books for our girls from an author that I love. Her name is Elizabeth George.  I have read alot of her books for women and there is more I'm going to order but she also has some for little girls and teenagers and young women. He husband is also a writer and has books for little boys, teenage boys, young men and men. Very good Christina books. We read these books at naptime or bedtime when they spend the night. 

Today has just been a lazy day. It has been raining. We had plans after Dakota came to pick up girls but the weather turned bad. 

We are just going to spend the rest of the night watching all the football bowl games. 🏈