
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Trying To Break The Tie

 Boy,  I woke up this morning and couldn't hardly walk.  I felt like I bench pressed weights all day and I am so sore. I want be climbing his stand again. 🙄

I'm trying to brave the elements and break the tie. Really, I'm just testing out new hunting gear and clothes. Dear hubby has worked hard trying to find me the warmest clothes he could find and ways to stay warm so I can hunt during the last part of the season. I don't do freezing cold. 😩 🥶 During the winter, I just about hibernate.  If I could take this little heater with me every where I went in the winter, I'd be great. May take it to church with me. 😅😅😅😊

Had a pretty exciting time. 6 does and a buck came out. They all spread out in my view. Dear hubby text me and said there was the buck I was looking for behind our house which is further away and out of view. So, I get out of my blind and made my way up to the back of the house. I met another buck coming my direction down a gully and had to freeze in my tracks. Mind you it's now 26 degrees outside. He was looking straight at me. He turned and was going up the ravine and I started walking up the hill. Low and behold there was another group of does and another buck behind the house. I was keeping my eye on the other buck and ran right up on this group. I crunched in some snow and spooked everything off. I headed back down to my blind because dear hubby knew I was upset and was going to push them back down my way. I told him if he could get a better shot then take it. 

I got back in my blind and got comfortable again.  I heard a shot.  Waited. Text dear hubby to see if it was him.  It was. He shot but missed because his hands were hurting from the cold. He never misses. He didn't have on any gloves. He just threw on a Hoodie and binoculars and came out of the house.  Then he grabbed his gun. 

When he saw he missed, he went back in the house. He didn't want to disturb anything again. A few minutes later all the does started coming back out. I was waiting to see if the buck would come back out behind them, he never did. Legal shooting time had ended so I came out of my blind and headed back inside. 

The good news is, my clothes kept me pretty warm, but if it had not been for me little heater,  I couldn't have stayed out there that long.  

Maybe tomorrow since it's the last day.  We will see. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you and that heater! I have a heated blanket that I use in my chair and another in the bed. Now, I I could just have something like that while I'm working!
