
Monday, January 3, 2022

We Live In The South

 Yes, we live in the south where the weather is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 

Last week it was in the 70's. One day got up to 76 degrees. Tornado watches and warnings all around.  In less than 36 hrs we dropped to 21 degrees with sleet and snow. Yes, we get excited about snow around here and a little apprehensive.  We don't see snow often.  

Snow on the ground, fire in the fireplace and Chilli going in the crock pot and pj kind of day.

My thoughts have been lingering lately on the New Year. No, I don't make new years resolutions because I fear I want see them through. I am an overthinker. Ultimate overthinker. I made a Facebook post the other day and this is my thoughts. 

It is my ultimate prayer that in this year 2022, everyone will look more to the Bible for the answer to life's problems. In it is the only place you will find happiness, truth, brutal but loving advice, encouragement, love, etc. Stop relying on Hollywood, TV, magazines, talk shows, news, internet, social media, inexperienced know it alls, uneducated biased individuals, video games and music to teach you how to live a life pleasing to God. Look at how some of their lives are turning out and you will see that they missed the memo somewhere. 📝 The Bible will not lie to you. 

The older generations are the smarter ones, they didn't have all these things and they relied more on the Bible. Find an older mentor that you trust and sit at their feet and listen. They know a thing or two if you will just give them a chance. They didn't get to where they are by stupidity.  

Instead of Googling it all the time, try Bibleing it. Young people are being purposefully misguided, misinformed, manipulated, played for a fool and they are laughing at you because they are dumbing you down. Do you like being made out to be a fool? Then break the cycle. Parents, dust off those Bibles and read them, read them to your children. Teens, if you don't have a Bible, get one. Read it. Parents, pay attention to what they are learning in school. Alot of curriculum is forced on teachers to teach because it is the states decision. Even if your child is homeschooled, if they have any access to internet, they are learning more than you think they are learning and you will never know. And there is always those out there who tells kids to keep it between them or don't tell anyone, it's our little secret. That's the kind of people I'd like to .........well you know. Get in your kids business, you are the parent. It's ok to make your kids mad. Mine stayed mad at me pretty much all their life and still do cause I come down hard on them and they are grown. My job will not end until I am 6ft under. If you do your job as a parent, and they grow up and still do stupid stuff, let them learn. It is between them, the Good Lord and the law. Maybe one day they will thank you for it. As long as you do your part, you did not fail as a parent. 

Young parents, for the sake of the next generations, please get those Bibles out. 

I have lived on this Earth 5 decades and I can testify that I have seen it change 4 of them. To the worst I will say. No wonder people are having identity crisis and don't know their purpose in life. Someone else is telling them what to be and they are listening.  

I truly hope this helps someone. 

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