
Friday, January 21, 2022

Im Falling Behind

 Hello everyone. I have been so busy here lately making videos for our channel that I have fogot to post. 

Last week we had the girls everyday.  We got to spend alot of time together. Sometimes you just have to shave with an audience. 

We made pizzas one night. I mostly let her do all the work. 

I made a video just for fun with the girl making our own noodles for Mac and cheese to put on YouTube.  They had a ball. So did I and it got a thumbs up. They were delicious. 

Uncle Dallas playing horse with the girls. 

Sometimes you just have to carry the Princesses.  Lol. Our weather has been crazy.  

Caroline: "I'm not your best friend." Laughs. " Yes, you're my best friend, I just aggravating you Gmaw!" I swear this kid is just like her Poppie, Daddy and Uncle Dallas. 🤦‍♀️

I have had this week to myself. I have had to do alot of computer clean up. I had 4 yrs worth of pics and home videos I needed to get onto dvds. 

Do ya'll remember when I said sometimes God closes doors that is just not meant for you to go through but yet he opens another door? Well, it happened. The Marines door got closed and only God knows but he opened another one for Dallas. He is bound and determined to serve. He will be leaving in a couple of weeks for Basic Training with the United States Army 🇺🇸. We can't wait to see the things he accomplishes. 

I have to tell yall a story. It's ironic how things happened to Dallas (see previous post). The same thing happened to David Dixon . When David was a Sr. in high school, Nanny signed for him to go into the delayed entry program then after he graduated would head to Basic Training with the Army. Well, the day he left to board a plane, they lost his paper work. That door got closed. But God opened another door. So, a year later, three weeks after we started dating, he came in and said, "I'm joining the Marines!" And off he went. Both were headed one way, but God took them another. Now, I will have one of each.

I spent one day making homemade cinnamon rolls and recorded a video for YouTube. The next day, I make lasagna noodles using my Kitchen Aid attachment. I turned around and made home made lasagna and recorded it for YouTube.  Ya'll our channel is growing.  I never thought anyone would be interested in what I had to say. You can check us out at Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms.

It's time to get back to some blog work now and update our blog looks. Kind of like a fresh start


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