
Monday, January 24, 2022

Good Day With My Girls Today

 I got up early this morning to have my coffee and read my devotions and have my prayer time before the girls got here. 

Breakfast got a thumbs up but it always does because it is their favorite. 

Sometimes you just have to play cowgirls and horses 🐎 😉

It's rough driving cattle....cowboys gotta rest.

Atleigh shared her crown with me this morning.

So....I was reading this to the girls today before nap. I asked Caroline should I read it again and she plainly said, "NOPE!"  🤦‍♀️🙄 We have alot of work to do.

After nap we rode the Ranger and went in front of the deer cameras and waved. They automatically go to dear hubbies phone on an app. He saw us waving at him. They get the biggest kick out of that. 

Even though deer season is over for us, we still sat in our deer stand to look for deer. 

We came in and ate and then daddy came to pick them up. 

Tomorrow is another day. 

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