
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Boys 1 Girls 1

 Warning: explicit photo, sensitive.

I finally got to go hunting again yesterday.  

Yesterday  we had a Date day in the hunting blind with my sweetheart.  You know they love you if they can be in the same blind with you hunting. 😅 

This was our view of a beautiful sunset. Nothing like watching the sunset with your love ❤.  Oh, and freezing your tooshie off. 😅

Sometimes it pays to freeze your tooshie off. Boys 1 Girls 1. Momma brought home some bacon......ummm.....deer.

Now it's Boys 1 Girls 1. We will go again tomorrow. This is the last week for our hunting season and we are hunkering down to get some more. 

He will be processing deer next week and I will be taking down Christmas decorations.  

I forgot to tell ya'll I started a new book and love it. 

If you thought Proverbs 31 was a humdinger for women to follow, try studying Titus 2:3-5. I'm on chapter 13 and see I have more work to do. It is not easy carrying out our role of women as our High Calling from God. But if we were passionate about it and got down to business, alot of home lives could be saved. And to you Men. You also have a calling in your role as a Man of God. Things he commands you to do. If you do these things and live and practice your high calling, home lives would be saved too. Man nor woman can do it alone. It takes teamwork.

Today I just had to scrub down my kitchen.  I couldn't stand it anymore. Not to mention I am incredibly sore from hunting yesterday.  Dear hubby had a small job to do for a friend and put up a meter pole for him. Tomorrow we will resume hunting. 

Tonight is just fixing chicken pot pie for supper and then relaxing. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the hunt! I don't think I could do it - not to mention sitting still in the cold. :) My hubby does though - and hooray for you!
