Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 Teaching kids to cook is an essential life skill, not just for girls. I'm so glad we taught our boys to cook at young ages. You can't follow them to college or out in the real world when they move out and leave the nest. You can't do everything for them. 

Teach them what they need before they leave home so they will be able to do things for themselves. 

It is our jobs as parents to "Train up a child in the way they should go....." 

#cooking #baking #teaching #lifeskills #parenting #kids #kidscooking #Instagram #Facebook #viral

This is our youngest son from years ago. He was always the little chef. He would carefully plan out his meals. Now , he cooks for him and his wife. 

Start them out young in the kitchen. You never know what their passions become. 


Keeper of the Home 

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