
Monday, December 27, 2021

Birthday Anniversary Then Christmas Happenings

 We have been very busy with lots of celebrations. Around here. 

First, I left off by telling ya'll we were going to do some Christmas things and baking. I can share a pic now of the gift bags I made for all my nieces and nephews and their spouses. I bought some mugs and made a hot chocolate goodie bag. I put a packet of hot chocolate mix, a bag of marshmallows,  a few peppermint candy canes, and a chocolate stir spoon. They turned out really cute. 

Me and the girls got up that morning and I wanted to get some pictures of them before they got all messed up for the day. 

Then we got busy making treats for all the great nieces and nephews on my side of the family. We made chocolate covered apples with sprinkles. 

Who says you can't eat treats while you make them. 😁πŸ₯°

Then we made Christmas ornaments for the first time ever out of salt dough. We made them as gifts for the grandparents and I let them make some to go on our tree, their daddys tree and their mommy's tree. 

After nap time, we got up and had a family friend to come and spend the rest of the time with us that evening. She helped us paint the ornaments and then we taught her how to make a few treats. We exchanged gifts with her too. 

They spent the night with us again. The next night it was their daddys birthday.  

They went home with daddy that night. He was off call for the week so he could relax more and not have to worry about getting called out.  After he left, dear hubby told me to pack some clothes because we were leaving for a few days on a surprise anniversary trip. I had no idea where we were going until we got there. I was totally surprised.  

So we did a thing. We'll, David did a thing. He secretly planned a surprise anniversary get away for us. He is not a beach person, however, he has known for years that I have wanted to go to the beach. So, we took off and went through 4 states, and 3 beaches in 3 days. First was Gulf Shores Beach, then Orange Beach, then a little further down was Perdido Beach in FL. 

29 years ago, we woke up in the middle of the night and decided to just take off and drive. We were stationed at Camp Pendelton, CA. 

 We went to Hollywood first. Then we drove up the coast to Santa Barbara just taking in the sights. I have also walked the beach at San Louis Obisbo, CA  where my PaPa walked during WWII.  

History does repeat itself. He never ceases to amaze me and he knows it's just the little things that make me happy.  We had a very good time. ❤πŸ₯°

Each beach that we went to, we took our pic, wrote our names in the sand and collected some shells. 

We got back in time for the girls to spend the night and have Christmas with us. 

We baked Santa some chocolate chip cookies and left him a note. (Santa's note is included too in the pic). Santa has jokes. Poppie always reads the Christmas story and they love to do it by flash light. 

We made sure we got in bed so Santa could come. 

The next morning we got up and opened gifts and Dakota came and had Christmas with us.  Later that afternoon Brylee came and exchanged gifts with Dallas and us. 

That night was Christmas eve and it felt very strange not going to dear hubby's mommas home to be with family.  Noone was ready to celebrate at Nannys this year. Everyone just needs some more time to grieve. Dear hubby was kind of coping in his own way. I tried to keep his mind off things so we watched a movie. I had never seen White Christmas with Danny Kaye and Bing Crosby. I loved it.  

The next morning was Christmas day and that is mine and dear hubby and Dallas time to open gifts. I used my phone to video so I didn't get many pics. 

We got food ready to go to my families house and then we rested. We then got ready and left for my momma and daddys. 

We were so exhausted the next day, we rested. 
Dakota needs my help this week with the girls because his baby sitters dad had a heart attack and got out of the hospital and she needs to stay with him this week. 
So this morning was like it use to be. He brought them early this morning and as usual they missed their waffles, whipped cream and sprinkles. They hoofed them down and licked the plates. 

We had a good day just playing. 
Got to get in bed now. They will be back bright and early in the morning. 

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas. 

Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas

 We have been very busy around here. I promise I will fill you all in as soon as I can. Until then, 

Luke 2:7 And she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. We would like to wish each and everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Dixons. May you know Peace, Joy, and happiness.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Getting Better

 I am so sorry I have not posted in a few days. I have been trying to get better. 😩 

I had a few rough days where I had no energy whatsoever.  I managed to take a shower and that was it. Dear hubby has been taking care of me. My throat is what has given me the most trouble. The antibiotics make me drowsy so I could only take them at night. Only pain relievers is taking the inflammation out of my throat and easing the pain. I finally got some energy the other day and managed to get a little cleaning done but got fatigued really quick.  I took a rest. A little at a time I guess. My voice has still not come all the way back yet.  πŸ˜’  My people are still loving this.  

Dear hubby has been taking care of alot of things around here. He is hunting so hard for us.  Of course he is after one certain buck and it seems to be eluding him. We have got one deer processed and next week he will start making some of our sausage. He also had to fertilize our sod for the winter. 

Our little buddies are getting a little better. They are taking some antibiotics too. Caroline has a double ear infection so we are trying to clear them up. 

They came the other night and ate supper with us and hung out a little bit. 

Tonight is a sleep over and they get to spend 2 days with us. We are going to do some fun Christmas things πŸ˜€ 

Tonight it's Christmas movies and popcorn in our princess bed. πŸ‘Έ 

You know, so many people run their heads off trying to catch and go to every activity that someone is sponsoring for Christmas.  This can stress a parent out and ware a child out.  In the end it doesn't matter where you went or what you did,  all they care about is being with you and having some of your time. I wanted to take them everywhere, but God slowed us down by being sick and we have learned to enjoy doing quiet fun things like reading Christmas stories, baking , making crafts etc. Sometimes it's the still quiet times they like the most and not all the hustle and bustle. 

Tomorrow we will do some fun things in the comfort of our own home. I needed to take care of myself so I could get better to have fun with them.  So it's off to bed so we can get a good night's sleep 😴 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Rough Night

 First I want to say my heart goes out to all the families impacted by yesterday and today's storms. I have seen so many posts and pics of devastation all day.  It breaks my heart. 

We went to bed and it was just raining. Aroud 2am I woke up and the weather was getting a little rough but it seemed to pass over. At 3:30 am we were awakened by several alarms and alerts on our phones telling us to seek shelter. We jumped up, got clothes on and turned on the tv to find out where it was. They spotted rotation but nothing on the ground. Dakota called us and told us there was a tornado further away but it was moving away from our surrounding areas. He is on call and he has been out since 2am this morning. 

I finally had enough of coughing my head off and my throat being excruciatingly sore, I gave it up and went to the dr. Mainly because Dakota is going to need my help next week with the girls since he is on call.  They have been sick and I need to take care of them. I had done everything I could naturally, I would have continued doing it but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet. They tested for strep which is what I thought I might have since the girls have it, but it was negative. It is just upper respiratory issues. I got a steroid cocktail shot in the rear and a Zpack and another medicine.  If I would have gotten the flu shot back in October, I would not be like this. I waited too late this year. 

After he got off work, they came here to hang out with us tonight and eat supper. It has been so long since we have hung out together. It was so nice. I got to feed him again. ❤πŸ˜‡

One of the medicines makes me drowsy so I can only take it at night. I'm getting sleepy now so I will be going to bed soon. 

Friday, December 10, 2021

When You Don't Feel Good

 When you're sick and don't feel good but you can't sit still because you cough your head off, you just sew some things.  

My fever and headaches come and go but this painful sore throat has got to go. Yes, I'm doing everything my momma and Nanny would have told me to do. πŸ˜‡. 

Now is new pillows for the girls for their matching sleeping bags. 😴

I took a long hot detox bath to see if that would help. I then laid down to rest and only slept for about 40 minutes because I started coughing. I coughed so much it has aggravated my throat again. 😀 

I managed to make supper for us. It is chicken rotel spaghetti. Later I'm going to drink some warm chamomile and honey tea. Maybe it will knock me out so I can sleep 😴 

Tonight, just some TV with my dear hubby. 

I forgot to mention, he brought home the bacon....ummmm....venison. He brought home a doe. He is hunting really hard for the buck he wants. I really hope he gets him. Next week, we will be working on processing it into maybe some jerky and sausage. Yummy. 

I'm sorry if the photo might be sensitive for some. In reality, this is how you claim self sufficiency and not have to always lean on the grocery store. 

A few days ago, I sat in my floor and wrapped gifts most of the morning. 

Somehow I wish we lived in a Hallmark movie world. ❤

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

A Little Worse Today

 My dr appt went well yesterday. He knows I do not like that kind of visit (female check up), so he comes in and we have "pillow talk" before he has to get down to business. We discuss all kinds of issues since I have not been in a few years. My dr really makes me feel comfortable and listens to my concerns. He always works with me. I told him I had complete stopped taking blood thinner and told him what I was taking instead and he was ok with it.  I was taking Cumidin (Warfarin) but that stuff was messing with me physiologically.  I am taking Tumeric. It is a natural blood thinner and anti inflammatory.  It also helps with my RA. 

We discussed my hormones and yep, I am in premenopause. I knew that already but he confirmed it. We did alot of blood work. He asked me when the last time I had a mammogram but I told him if he didn't feel anything and I didn't either I'd rather not have one and he was fine with it. I told him let's do all we can in his office that day since it was the end of the year and I have met my deductible.  The little girl who attempted to take my blood the first time, had to have just been fresh out of school.  I have to have blood work done every three months and this has never happened before. When she stuck the needle in, she didn't stick it for enough and blood spewed everywhere.  😱 then she proceeded to lift the needle upward and that stinking hurt. I kind of squeaked and she jumped.  We both freaked out a little. She then said, "Let me go get the lab nurse and let her do this!"  I totally agreed with her. I also got the flu shot while I was there.  I have every year for over a decade. It helps me with upper respiratory issues during the winter. However, I was late getting it this year. I always get it in Sept or early Oct. But we were gone.  So..... I woke up a little worse this morning.  Come to find out both girls have strep throat and Caroline has a double ear infection. I probably caught some from her since she was sick first. Of course they have to share with Gmaw. ❤ 

I tossed and turned all night with chills and hot. My husband couldn't stay in the bed because he said I was snoring and stealing the cover. πŸ˜… 

I woke up with my throat killing me and it hurts to swallow.  I can't hardly talk either. 

To help with my upper respiratory:

Homemade upper respiratory tincture. Trusted by the pioneers and Amish. 

In a Mason jar combine (eyeball ingredients and how much you think you can handle for taste):

Apple cider vinegar 

Lemon juice


Garlic (granulated, powder, oil etc.)

Cayenne pepper (taste)

Ginger (powder)

Few drops peppermint essential oil

Few drops tea tree oil. 

Take one Table spoon every few hrs. 

No, it's not suppose to taste good and yes it will put a hickey on your heart but it helps.

I also have a homemade nose spray. If you can save or find a nose spray bottle you can add water and garlic oil. I also melt a little Vicks vapor rub and pour into it as well. Works great πŸ‘ 

Dear hubby made us breakfast and he cleaned up afterwards as well. 

We are going to just eat whatever left overs are in the fridge for supper tonight. I don't feel like doing much else except maybe wrap a few gifts here and there when I get a little energy. πŸ™ƒ 

As I was on my way home yesterday, dear hubby and his sister and brother were at his mommas house going through things. He really was not ready to start doing this but his sister wanted to get most of it done before Christmas. He grabbed alot of her favorite recipe binders and hand written recipes.  I told him to pick out anything he wanted and I would make it for him. πŸ˜‡

Last night I started putting together some goody bags for my nieces and nephews and their spouses for my family gathering at Christmas.  Every year for so many years now, dear hubby has always bought gifts for all the great nieces and nephews for my families Christmas.  He loves to put smiles on children's faces. He has a heart of gold. πŸ’›  I always make the children some kind of Christmas treats too. My momma takes care of the stockings for each child.  This year I'm going to make chocolate covered apples with sprinkles. I'm going to get the girls to help.  

I got all the goody bags filled last night however,  I can't tell you what is in them because I don't want to give the surprise away. Let's just say Pinterest has so many ideas. 

I have also fixed up some bags for my widowed neighbors. Just to bring some comforting cheer. 

I think it's time to lie down and get some rest. My head just hurts too bad sometimes.  I will probably spend the rest of the day wrapping some things and just watching some TV. 

Hope everyone has a blessed day.  πŸ™Œ 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Not Feeling So Good

 I knew yesterday morning when I woke up with a scratchy throat something was coming. I think I took Caroline's cold from her. Well, at least she's feeling better. 

I went from chilled to burning up all through the night back and forth last night. My throat hurt and I had a headache. Now I know how she felt. 

I was supposed to have taken my truck in today to have it serviced from all the traveling but dear hubby took it for me. I have just been trying to get going. I got something warm on my throat and tried to read while I had my coffee. I finally made myself get up and take a shower. I got a little energy and managed to get my bedroom back on order. I could only eat some chicken noodles and then laid back down to rest. 

After a much needed rest,  I did a little more picking up around the house. 

I just didn't feel like doing much else. 

After supper we just sat and watched movies. My dear hubby endured two Hallmark Christmas movies. Now he has to watch something else to get his man card back. πŸ˜…

I finally got the topper for our Christmas tree. It projects snowflakes on the ceiling. So here is most all of our decorations except for some garland over the entry ways in the house. 

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Happy Sunday


Well, it's either gonna be chilly or hot in November, you never know. Happy Sunday ya'll 😊 yes, my man dresses me. πŸ‘— 😊❤

Parade in a small town.

We've had a good week. Tomorrow is another day. Routine maintenance and oil change on my truck,  Dr appt Tuesday.  Not looking forward to that one. Time for female checkup but I'm getting older and need to make sure everything is OK. I want a hormone panel done and thyroid tested. I want to finish out the year with anything I need to get done since I have met my deductible on insurance. Still trying to finish organizing and getting my house back in order. 

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Doing What We Want


 Who says you can't have cake in a mug for breakfast πŸ˜‹

I woke up with a little sick one. She had a cold when she came and it has gotten a little worse. She coughed her head off all night and she is congested. She's running a low grade fever but she is still trying to play. Bless her. ❤  So I'm kind of  spoiling them this morning.  

Somebody has been sick all day, so we have read books all day.

Sissy was spoiling her too and trying to make her feel better. 


Caroline coughed all through nap time too. She started running fever and her face was flushed. All she wanted to do was lay down. She did not eat anything all day.  So she crawls onto Poppies lap. 

One little girl is stealing all my sugar and one wants his attention because she is sick.  ❤❤πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘Έ

There momma came to pick them up when she got off work. Me and my sweetheart went out to eat. I think Atleigh was a little jealous πŸ˜• 


Caroline is feeling a little better her momma said. 

I got up and cooked breakfast. 

I had one job this morning πŸ™„πŸ˜’

They were still eatable. I also got supper in the crockpot. We are having White Chicken Chilli.  

We got all of our hunting gear together and then had to go outside and make sure our rifles were all sighted in. I have not shot mine in 3 yrs. That's the last time I hunted. Mine was on point. 

Then we headed out to the deer club


This is my view until dark 

I made a few videos of me and the girls the other day while we were sitting in our blind. You can check them out on our YouTube channel, Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms. They pretended like they had their own hunting show. They were so cute. 

Dear hubby sent me this. It was his view. 

I was wanting a doe to go in the freezer so bad, and it looks like he had them all where he was and he is only after a buck he has been watching since last year. πŸ˜’
I never saw anything. 
Oh well, we packed in and came home. 
We came home to a good Chilli 

Now we are watching the SEC Championship.  I am a die hard ALABAMA  fan. 
It has been a few good days.