
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

A Little Worse Today

 My dr appt went well yesterday. He knows I do not like that kind of visit (female check up), so he comes in and we have "pillow talk" before he has to get down to business. We discuss all kinds of issues since I have not been in a few years. My dr really makes me feel comfortable and listens to my concerns. He always works with me. I told him I had complete stopped taking blood thinner and told him what I was taking instead and he was ok with it.  I was taking Cumidin (Warfarin) but that stuff was messing with me physiologically.  I am taking Tumeric. It is a natural blood thinner and anti inflammatory.  It also helps with my RA. 

We discussed my hormones and yep, I am in premenopause. I knew that already but he confirmed it. We did alot of blood work. He asked me when the last time I had a mammogram but I told him if he didn't feel anything and I didn't either I'd rather not have one and he was fine with it. I told him let's do all we can in his office that day since it was the end of the year and I have met my deductible.  The little girl who attempted to take my blood the first time, had to have just been fresh out of school.  I have to have blood work done every three months and this has never happened before. When she stuck the needle in, she didn't stick it for enough and blood spewed everywhere.  😱 then she proceeded to lift the needle upward and that stinking hurt. I kind of squeaked and she jumped.  We both freaked out a little. She then said, "Let me go get the lab nurse and let her do this!"  I totally agreed with her. I also got the flu shot while I was there.  I have every year for over a decade. It helps me with upper respiratory issues during the winter. However, I was late getting it this year. I always get it in Sept or early Oct. But we were gone.  So..... I woke up a little worse this morning.  Come to find out both girls have strep throat and Caroline has a double ear infection. I probably caught some from her since she was sick first. Of course they have to share with Gmaw. ❤ 

I tossed and turned all night with chills and hot. My husband couldn't stay in the bed because he said I was snoring and stealing the cover. 😅 

I woke up with my throat killing me and it hurts to swallow.  I can't hardly talk either. 

To help with my upper respiratory:

Homemade upper respiratory tincture. Trusted by the pioneers and Amish. 

In a Mason jar combine (eyeball ingredients and how much you think you can handle for taste):

Apple cider vinegar 

Lemon juice


Garlic (granulated, powder, oil etc.)

Cayenne pepper (taste)

Ginger (powder)

Few drops peppermint essential oil

Few drops tea tree oil. 

Take one Table spoon every few hrs. 

No, it's not suppose to taste good and yes it will put a hickey on your heart but it helps.

I also have a homemade nose spray. If you can save or find a nose spray bottle you can add water and garlic oil. I also melt a little Vicks vapor rub and pour into it as well. Works great 👍 

Dear hubby made us breakfast and he cleaned up afterwards as well. 

We are going to just eat whatever left overs are in the fridge for supper tonight. I don't feel like doing much else except maybe wrap a few gifts here and there when I get a little energy. 🙃 

As I was on my way home yesterday, dear hubby and his sister and brother were at his mommas house going through things. He really was not ready to start doing this but his sister wanted to get most of it done before Christmas. He grabbed alot of her favorite recipe binders and hand written recipes.  I told him to pick out anything he wanted and I would make it for him. 😇

Last night I started putting together some goody bags for my nieces and nephews and their spouses for my family gathering at Christmas.  Every year for so many years now, dear hubby has always bought gifts for all the great nieces and nephews for my families Christmas.  He loves to put smiles on children's faces. He has a heart of gold. 💛  I always make the children some kind of Christmas treats too. My momma takes care of the stockings for each child.  This year I'm going to make chocolate covered apples with sprinkles. I'm going to get the girls to help.  

I got all the goody bags filled last night however,  I can't tell you what is in them because I don't want to give the surprise away. Let's just say Pinterest has so many ideas. 

I have also fixed up some bags for my widowed neighbors. Just to bring some comforting cheer. 

I think it's time to lie down and get some rest. My head just hurts too bad sometimes.  I will probably spend the rest of the day wrapping some things and just watching some TV. 

Hope everyone has a blessed day.  🙌