
Thursday, December 16, 2021

Getting Better

 I am so sorry I have not posted in a few days. I have been trying to get better. 😩 

I had a few rough days where I had no energy whatsoever.  I managed to take a shower and that was it. Dear hubby has been taking care of me. My throat is what has given me the most trouble. The antibiotics make me drowsy so I could only take them at night. Only pain relievers is taking the inflammation out of my throat and easing the pain. I finally got some energy the other day and managed to get a little cleaning done but got fatigued really quick.  I took a rest. A little at a time I guess. My voice has still not come all the way back yet.  😒  My people are still loving this.  

Dear hubby has been taking care of alot of things around here. He is hunting so hard for us.  Of course he is after one certain buck and it seems to be eluding him. We have got one deer processed and next week he will start making some of our sausage. He also had to fertilize our sod for the winter. 

Our little buddies are getting a little better. They are taking some antibiotics too. Caroline has a double ear infection so we are trying to clear them up. 

They came the other night and ate supper with us and hung out a little bit. 

Tonight is a sleep over and they get to spend 2 days with us. We are going to do some fun Christmas things 😀 

Tonight it's Christmas movies and popcorn in our princess bed. 👸 

You know, so many people run their heads off trying to catch and go to every activity that someone is sponsoring for Christmas.  This can stress a parent out and ware a child out.  In the end it doesn't matter where you went or what you did,  all they care about is being with you and having some of your time. I wanted to take them everywhere, but God slowed us down by being sick and we have learned to enjoy doing quiet fun things like reading Christmas stories, baking , making crafts etc. Sometimes it's the still quiet times they like the most and not all the hustle and bustle. 

Tomorrow we will do some fun things in the comfort of our own home. I needed to take care of myself so I could get better to have fun with them.  So it's off to bed so we can get a good night's sleep 😴 

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