
Saturday, December 11, 2021

Rough Night

 First I want to say my heart goes out to all the families impacted by yesterday and today's storms. I have seen so many posts and pics of devastation all day.  It breaks my heart. 

We went to bed and it was just raining. Aroud 2am I woke up and the weather was getting a little rough but it seemed to pass over. At 3:30 am we were awakened by several alarms and alerts on our phones telling us to seek shelter. We jumped up, got clothes on and turned on the tv to find out where it was. They spotted rotation but nothing on the ground. Dakota called us and told us there was a tornado further away but it was moving away from our surrounding areas. He is on call and he has been out since 2am this morning. 

I finally had enough of coughing my head off and my throat being excruciatingly sore, I gave it up and went to the dr. Mainly because Dakota is going to need my help next week with the girls since he is on call.  They have been sick and I need to take care of them. I had done everything I could naturally, I would have continued doing it but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet. They tested for strep which is what I thought I might have since the girls have it, but it was negative. It is just upper respiratory issues. I got a steroid cocktail shot in the rear and a Zpack and another medicine.  If I would have gotten the flu shot back in October, I would not be like this. I waited too late this year. 

After he got off work, they came here to hang out with us tonight and eat supper. It has been so long since we have hung out together. It was so nice. I got to feed him again. ❤😇

One of the medicines makes me drowsy so I can only take it at night. I'm getting sleepy now so I will be going to bed soon. 


  1. Our son lives in KY near a lot of the damage but they are ok.
    Glad you are ok and I hope the medication helps you feel better.

  2. Thank you. The antibiotics do make me drowsy but I guess you take the pros with the cons
