
Monday, December 27, 2021

Birthday Anniversary Then Christmas Happenings

 We have been very busy with lots of celebrations. Around here. 

First, I left off by telling ya'll we were going to do some Christmas things and baking. I can share a pic now of the gift bags I made for all my nieces and nephews and their spouses. I bought some mugs and made a hot chocolate goodie bag. I put a packet of hot chocolate mix, a bag of marshmallows,  a few peppermint candy canes, and a chocolate stir spoon. They turned out really cute. 

Me and the girls got up that morning and I wanted to get some pictures of them before they got all messed up for the day. 

Then we got busy making treats for all the great nieces and nephews on my side of the family. We made chocolate covered apples with sprinkles. 

Who says you can't eat treats while you make them. 😁🥰

Then we made Christmas ornaments for the first time ever out of salt dough. We made them as gifts for the grandparents and I let them make some to go on our tree, their daddys tree and their mommy's tree. 

After nap time, we got up and had a family friend to come and spend the rest of the time with us that evening. She helped us paint the ornaments and then we taught her how to make a few treats. We exchanged gifts with her too. 

They spent the night with us again. The next night it was their daddys birthday.  

They went home with daddy that night. He was off call for the week so he could relax more and not have to worry about getting called out.  After he left, dear hubby told me to pack some clothes because we were leaving for a few days on a surprise anniversary trip. I had no idea where we were going until we got there. I was totally surprised.  

So we did a thing. We'll, David did a thing. He secretly planned a surprise anniversary get away for us. He is not a beach person, however, he has known for years that I have wanted to go to the beach. So, we took off and went through 4 states, and 3 beaches in 3 days. First was Gulf Shores Beach, then Orange Beach, then a little further down was Perdido Beach in FL. 

29 years ago, we woke up in the middle of the night and decided to just take off and drive. We were stationed at Camp Pendelton, CA. 

 We went to Hollywood first. Then we drove up the coast to Santa Barbara just taking in the sights. I have also walked the beach at San Louis Obisbo, CA  where my PaPa walked during WWII.  

History does repeat itself. He never ceases to amaze me and he knows it's just the little things that make me happy.  We had a very good time. ❤🥰

Each beach that we went to, we took our pic, wrote our names in the sand and collected some shells. 

We got back in time for the girls to spend the night and have Christmas with us. 

We baked Santa some chocolate chip cookies and left him a note. (Santa's note is included too in the pic). Santa has jokes. Poppie always reads the Christmas story and they love to do it by flash light. 

We made sure we got in bed so Santa could come. 

The next morning we got up and opened gifts and Dakota came and had Christmas with us.  Later that afternoon Brylee came and exchanged gifts with Dallas and us. 

That night was Christmas eve and it felt very strange not going to dear hubby's mommas home to be with family.  Noone was ready to celebrate at Nannys this year. Everyone just needs some more time to grieve. Dear hubby was kind of coping in his own way. I tried to keep his mind off things so we watched a movie. I had never seen White Christmas with Danny Kaye and Bing Crosby. I loved it.  

The next morning was Christmas day and that is mine and dear hubby and Dallas time to open gifts. I used my phone to video so I didn't get many pics. 

We got food ready to go to my families house and then we rested. We then got ready and left for my momma and daddys. 

We were so exhausted the next day, we rested. 
Dakota needs my help this week with the girls because his baby sitters dad had a heart attack and got out of the hospital and she needs to stay with him this week. 
So this morning was like it use to be. He brought them early this morning and as usual they missed their waffles, whipped cream and sprinkles. They hoofed them down and licked the plates. 

We had a good day just playing. 
Got to get in bed now. They will be back bright and early in the morning. 

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas. 

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