
Thursday, September 30, 2021

A New Adventure

 I posted this yesterday on Facebook and I got so much encouragement and kind words that it motivated me to just cowgirl up and do it. 

Facebook post:

Y'all, I have been contemplating something for a long time and struggling with it and praying about it. Now I will ask Y'all.  No, my kids do not need to comment because I know exactly what it will be. So hush. 😅

I have been wanting to start a YouTube channel. Yes, you heard me. Don't laugh. I know where you live. 

Last summer I did a bunch of canning videos and gardening videos. I felt like I could share some things I have learned over the years to help someone else. I have had alot of my blog friends that follow our farm blog encourage me and ask me to do one. It sparked. 

I am an amateur and have no clue what to do. All I know to do is talk. 😁. I already talk to myself and the walls around here so why not? I am out of my comfort zone because I can get so nervous in front of people that I want to 🤮. So I'm struggling. Talking to a camera is different.  It's just you and it. 

I love to help people and I feel like I can share alot. 😌  So......what do Y'all think?

So with that being said,  I created a YouTube channel.. go to YouTube and look me up under Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms and I have uploaded my first video.  I have one more in progress. 

If you like it,  subscribe and hit the like button. 👍 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Meal Planning



I know why y'all are wondering why I'm showing you pics of the refrigerator,  freezer and pantry where we are staying. We'll, here's why. 

Meal planning and shopping from my freezer first. Then plan meals around things I already have. 😌 

We are in a rent house right now and don't have alot of space to put things. Plus, we don't have the comfort of all of our frozen garden produce, canned garden goods or our freezer full of already packaged and vacuum sealed meats. So, while here,  I have to downsize and plan smaller meals but also make them stretch. 

So let me walk you through it. 

First I see what all I have on hand. I can get creative and come up with a recipe. 

For tonight I pulled put some chicken that was in a big pack and I only used half for one night and repackaged the rest for another night like tonight, a box of mashed cauliflower I wanted to try, and two bags of broccoli flowerettes. I looked in my cabinet and I have some left over bacon bits and in the fridge I see cheddar cheese. I will use these to add more to the mashed cauliflower.  Oh, I just spotted some left over sour cream I can add to the top. I already have olive oil, garlic,  lemon juice and butter to roast up the broccoli with. I turned the chicken into lemon/honey/garlic chicken also. See how I did that?

I also see a bottle of Olive Garden Italian dressing and a jar of Picante sauce which gives me a meal idea for another night with some chicken. Wow!

Now I  have some left over fried ravioli and some jars of pasta sauce and a block of mozzarella cheese.  So a ravioli baked casserole it is for one night. And served with some garlic toast from any of the loaves of bread you see in the freezer section. You can freeze bread and pull how many ever pieces you want out at a time and work with it.  The bread doesn't go bad as quick and saves money. I will also put some of those fried mozzarella cheese sticks with it. I will have some sauce left over for dipping them in. 
That is meal 2. 

Now, meal 3. I see some shrimp and some smoked sausages that I will do a sheet pan dinner one night. All I will have to get is a small Zucchini and a small squash. 
Meal 4 is going to be a pizza made with cauliflower crust. I have that bag of rice cauliflower in the freezer. I have another jar of pasta sauce, some of the leftover block of mozzarella cheese, and a small slice of ham in the freezer. I have some bacon and a can of rotel tomatoes and a bag of spinach. So spinach/bacon/tomato/ham pizza it will become. 

You see, that's not hard. Always, always shop from your freezer, fridge, and pantries first. You may have to supplement a few items and go pick them up at the grocery store. 
Always shop sales at the grocery store. We have found having a Kroger card is well worth it. You get prices that non members don't and there is no membership fee. 
Keep staples on hand. Sometimes you can splurge and look for a recipe first,  then go get the ingredients.  When you start seeing left over things in your pantry etc, do this exact thing I just did and get creative. There will come a time you will have to restock,  just do it wisely. Shop the sales and stock up if you can. 
I have so many helpful ideas on our Canning and Preserving Page and Homemaking Page. 
I hope I have gave you some inspiration to help you out a bit. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Its Not Home

 It's not home, but you can make it homey. Also, dear hubby's Iunch is fixed for tomorrow ❤😇🥰

We are just going to eat and hang out the rest of the night together. 

National Son Day 2021


We celebrate our boys everyday but since Google said today was National Son Day, here we are. (Yes, I looked it up).

I could sit here and tell you all about their personalities and characters but if you know them or have been fortunate enough to meet them, WELL YOU KNOW. I will say, one is very strong willed and logical, the other is stubborn and full of common sense. They both are like onions, they have layers that you have to peel back one at a time. It takes a STRONG, UNDERSTANDING WOMAN to be on Team Dixon. To know them is to love them and I sure do. ❤ I'm proud of the men they have become, even if it was the hard way sometimes. I tell you this right now, I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have on my team than these two. They may have their quirks, but you want find anyone else like them. 


Monday, September 27, 2021

Spoiling My Sweetheart

 I really enjoy spoiling my sweetheart. And I think he's getting use to this. 

I have spent the last three hours prepping his grab and go breakfasts and snacks for the next week to week and a half. I made supper and dessert. And his  lunch is already packed for tomorrow. ❤❤❤🥰😇🍎🍳🥓🍝🎒 His pasta is in another container. 

I threw in an apple and some chips too. 

I went grocery shopping for the week this morning and came back and made dear hubby some sausage, egg and cheese biscuits, and some eggs bites for his breakfasts  for the next few weeks. I individually wrapped them and put them in the fridge.  All I have to do is grab one out and put in his lunch box. 

You can make any kind of make ahead breakfast sandwich. You can use any meat, cheese. And you can use any kind of bread like biscuits, bagels, English muffins, nann bread, crossicants, etc. 

I reserved some of the egg mixture and added some smoked sausage, spinach and cheese and baked. I also like to pour my egg mixture into a casserole dish and bake it. Then all you do is cut into squares or you can use a glass or biscuit cutter to cut them round shape. 

Then I made his snacks. I made turkey and cheese pinwheels, ham and cheese pinwheels and Pimento and cheese pinwheels. I can take some out and put in a small container for each day. Then I washed our fruit and veggies.


I just layered the tortillas with meat, cheese and mayo. Then rolled and sliced. You can make any variation you like. 

I then made our supper. Last night I fixed penne pasta and it was delicious. If you get tired of left overs, repurpose them. I took the pasta and turned it into a pasta bake. Just add some more sauce to freshen it up, layer into a baking dish, spread mozzarella cheese on top and bake until the cheese is good and bubbly. 

Then I made dessert. If this turns out half as good as Nannys,  I will be one proud and happy Daughter in law. I have never made it before. If you know Nanny, you know. ❤❤❤ It is her chocolate surprise. Everyone loves her desserts. 

I am exhausted but happy. I love serving and taking care of my sweetheart.  

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Suitcase Miracle

 So, I'm just  gonna tell yall what all was in my suitcase, just so you know how much I fit into that one suitcase. 😁😁

5 dinner dresses and their matching shoes and handbags, 9 casual day dresses, 1 slip, 1 short slip for under dresses, 12 short and tshirt  sets, 5 Capri and shirt sets, two blue jean and shirt sets, 2 extra pair of jeans, lingerie, ( which includes matching bras and underwear sets,  robe, gowns/chemises, pjs, 3 pair lounge pants, socks), swim suit and cover up, 3 pair flip flops, crocs, 6 pair of dress shoes,  2 pair house shoes, swim shoes and one pair boots. Now, guys, don't tell us ladies we can't bring all of this with us!!!!! And don't tell us we don't need all that stuff, because half of it is for y'all anyway. If we can pack it, it's coming. 

You can find all kinds of packing hacks on Pinterest. 😁😁😁😁😁😁You're welcome. ❤

I do have a hygiene bag. It is small too. Fits a makeup bag, shower bag, hair accessory bag, hair dryer, mirror, brushes and medications. 😉 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Just Doing What I Want

 One thing about traveling with Dear Hubby here lately, is I've had some time for me. I have served my family for 30 years. Yes, I have enjoyed every minute of it. It has been my passion. My childhood dream. 

However,  every once in a while, we have to invest in some time for ourselves. To rejuvenate,  grow, gain wisdom. I am in that season of my life. No, I'm not done serving my family. Far from it. I'm just learning new ways that fits this season in my life. 

I grabbed some old books that have been in my library and bought some new ones. 

These books y'all have ripped me up one side and down the other and has opened my eyes.  I wish I would have had these books when I was younger.  They are for single or married women. Yes. They are God's foundation and principles of a woman's place in the home, their personal lives and marriage. ❤❤ 

You can find these on Amazon. You don't have to buy them brand new. Three of these books are used. 

They will stay in my library.

I have studied my Bible more. I have had the chances to sit down and meal plan for me and dear hubby. Although it has been a struggle to prepare meals just for two people. I have cooked for 4 or more for two decades now and it is hard for me to down size. I will get the hang of it eventually.  

Well, I've got to fix dear hubby's supper for tonight.  Last night of this shift. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

On The Road Again

 Well, we got to go home over the weekend and we had a good time.  

We got to see our girls and boys. ❤

Our girls missed us so much too. It is so wonderful to have little ones running to you again and hugging you. Our girls being goofy. 

We are going to have to help Dakota find someone to help keep the girls when I'm away. He has always had me and I feel bad but once again we have been telling them for two years to expect this change and here we are. He was kind of not happy when he found out I was leaving back out again with dad. Bless him.  He misses me too and this change has gotten to both our boys I guess and everyone is having to adjust.  Momma has been there all their lives and now I'm back and forth. Although dear hubby is enjoying all my attention and care. As it should be. To be honest, I have enjoyed it too. I have enjoyed our time together and serving my husband. I take my God given roll as Wife and Mother very seriously. It has been my dream and passion since I was little.  

While we were home Dallas hung out with us more too. He did miss us. Dad got to put him another deer stand together to get ready for when we get back home when the job is over. We are going to miss bow season but be home for gun season. 

We were craving pizza one night and we both got into the kitchen and made one. There was a certain way he wanted the crust done. We're always making something hot and steamy. Love is making pizzas 🍕 together. 🥰❤💋

I had some fresh basil I had put in the refrigerator to dry and ground it up in our grinder and put it into our shaker. I turned off my Aerogarden while we were away because Dallas does not know how keep maintenance on it and my herbs. When we get back home I will start some again.  

Time came for us to leave and dear hubby told me only one suitcase. This man's gone think I can't fit all this stuff in my suit case. Y'all please. Hold my coke 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😁 A months worth of clothes in that baby. Take that. 😁

We stopped at Academy Sports on the trip back out and I picked up several Tshirts. These two are my favorites.  If you know me, you know....😅😅😅

Dear hubby let me find a tanning place out here and I just got a small package. It helps my RA and it's good therapy. I still want to go to the lake a few times again before it starts getting too chilly. 😫   

Here it is fall now. Boy, where did summer go. I'm ready to embrace it reluctantly though. I don't  do well in cold weather. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing I get to use my fireplace.  🔥🔥

Every day we enjoy seeing this herd of deer on this property. There is at least three bucks. We have seen fawns grow too. 

Hubby was on night shift this week, only two nights to go. I do alot of reading and fiddling while he is asleep so I can be quiet. When he wakes up we get to watch a few shows and then while he gets ready I cook supper so he can take it with him to work.  Alot of his out of town buddies are a little envious that he has his wife here with him. ❤😁

Well, I'm off to take care of my man. I hope everyone has a blessed day. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 Well, I have to say, it has been extremely quiet since the girls went home. 😒I'm kind of sad 😥.  I'm use to having children under my feet, on my leg or in my lap. Or settling some kind of tiff between them or calming an agitated one. Screaming sort of say. Hmmmm....🤔maybe I just need to enjoy the tranquility of this. 😅😅😅

However,  dear hubby is so enjoying me being with him. We have waited for this for years. 23 yrs of raising boys. Now, we can focus a little on us. Well, alot. He has patiently waited on me all these years and never once complained. 

Yesterday I had to go and pick up a few groceries after making a menu plan. You see, we're not in the comforts of our own home. We can't shop our stocked pantries or freezers like at home. I have to meal plan and shop light. 😩 Y'all, after cooking for so many people for so many years, this is new to me. Downsizing. I'm struggling. I don't know how to just cook for two people. 😕 But I will learn. 

I am cleaning the rent house as we speak. Not saying that the owner didn't have it clean when dear hubby got here but I'm just maintaining it since we are staying here. She has all the things we need to clean and such, but I just felt more comfortable going and purchasing my own things in case I broke something. It would be my money gone, not hers.  

I went to Dollar Tree and found alot of my cleaners. I also got what I needed to make my homemade cleaner and a spray bottle.  However,  I have came across this cleaner and I cannot tell yall how amazing it is and it is concentrated so you don't use near as much.  And it's only $1. You can't beat that. 

I also found these. It is the handle and different attachments. $5 y'all for a cleaning set. 

Dust mop, dust pad, regular mop head, the stick and the pad attachment. ♥ It worked so good. 

I d0 the same thing here that I do at home and that is wash the dishes as I go. I have to. She doesn't have a dishwasher. Helps me stay in my habit. 

I cleaned so much yesterday, I aggravated my back and knee and they have been hurting and burning. Cooked supper and ate because dear hubby didn't get off until 7pm and he told me to go ahead and eat. Cleaned the kitchen and parked my carcuss for the rest of the night. I was exhausted but he was so appreciative for supper.  He said he was getting use to this.  

I get up every morning with him way before I'm use to, and have coffee with him. He loves our time together even if it's quiet and no words spoken. He's not a big talker and I'm chatty. 

He left for work and boy did I want to crawl back into bed, but I didn't want to mess up my routine. So, I stripped the beds and got laundry going.  

 I then waited until the sun came up and made me some breakfast.  Grabbed my book and went out on the back porch, ate, read, and enjoyed listening to nature.  

Then it was time to do more cleaning. I'm hitting every room and cleaning like I clean. 

In the middle of that, I get this text from Dallas.  

Just  when you think they don't miss you or even love you sometimes,  you get this. ❤ . 

Took a shower, got ready, ate lunch and then took a much needed nap. 

Got up, cleaned a little more. 

Started cooking supper for my sweetheart.  

Beef fajitas with spinach tortillas, stuffed queso bites (never had them), and southwest whole kernel corn. 

Then we are just gonna park our carcasses and relax with some TV. 

Hope everyone had a blessed day in an undivided world. But God has got this.  🙌

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Grandparents Day 2021

 Today is Grandparent Day 2021. It is always the first Sunday after Labor Day. 

Grandparents  Day 2021

These people right here will never know how much they molded and shaped my life. My summers were awesome and I never wanted to go home. I miss them more every day because now I know what "grandparent" means. I would give anything if I could sit and talk to them again.  In memory of Bennie and Dorothy Oliver and Ma and Pa Flanagin.

Grandparents Day 2021. Our boys are very blessed to have these grandparents  in their lives. They have helped mold and  shape them just  as we have minus the butt whoopings. When  we had kids, I made a promise  that our kids would have just as good of a relationship with their grandparents as I did with mine and I made sure of it and still do. It's  called taking them to visit. Don't  rob your parents of a relationship  with your kids. It's  not fair to them. In honor of Thomas and Janice Flanagin, Carol Dixon aka, Grandmother, and Virginia Dixon, aka Nanny.

Happy Grandparents Day to this wonderful Poppie.

I'm so glad these two little girls have this man as their poppie. One day they will say the same thing. He loves them to the moon and back and they will never want for anything. They are poppies princesses. Thank you David Dixon for being the best.

Grandparents Day 2021

I use to get on to my momma when she would let our boys get away with things that she would have burnt my butt up for. Then she would say those words, "Well, it's  different!" Well, now I know what she means. You love your kids, but there is just something about those grandkids. I'm glad we are getting to see our kids have kids. Well, one right now. Dallas Dixon your day will come, just don't  get into a hurry. It is a blessing to see your kid be a good parent. That means all those years of fussing and fighting with them paid off. I hope  God blesses us with as many grandchildren as he sees fit. They will truly be loved.

Girls Next Road Trip

 Me and Poppie went home for the weekend. This was his last weekend that he will be able to go home due to they will be increasing their hours at work.  So we made the best of it. 

We came home to a clean house. Dallas worked so hard. The kitchen was clean and the house was vacuumed. He did a good job.  I think he is enjoying his bachelor pad while we are gone. The weather got bad one night but our great neighbors were keeping an eye on him too.  We have awesome neighbors in our neighborhood and we take care of each other and look out for each other. Dallas is learning alot. This is good for him learning to do things on his own even if it's not the way we would do it. We are proud of him.

Dear hubby needed to get some discing done on our deer club and our property for deer plots this winter. Another member of the club will plant next week. He also bushhogged over at his mommas house so Dakota can work somemore on our new project.  

Dakota did not have to go to LA for relief efforts but he has been on call and have not got to see the girls alot. 

I cooked supper for us. Harvested our lettuce from our Aerogarden and made their own salads.

It's time for them to go on another road trip with us so they came to spend the night with us so we could leave the next day. Dear hubby took Dallas to town so he could buy himself some groceries and Dallas wanted to go to the gravesites. I got the girls and myself ready and their luggage together. Dallas is still dealing with their passing in his own. Visiting the gravesite seems to help. They cleaned up all around Nanny, Grandmothers, his brother and sisters sites. 

They got back home and it was time for us to leave. We got Dallas settled all in again and he helped us pack the truck. 

She yells,  "I'm not sleepy!!!" 5 minutes later. Good girl. 

Movies,  snacks,  drinks check. 

Handsome driver. 3rd road trip with Poppie and Gmaw.

We got back to our destination and just grabbed something to eat. 

It was time for bed and then Poppie had to go into work. Caroline was sad that he had to go to work. Poppie said that he had to work so he could buy her somecandy, so then she was fine. 😅😅

Thank goodness for activity back packs

Today we need to go get some groceries for here and I'm going to let them spend some of their bday money we brought with us.  

When you just need reassurance that you can potty safely.  😅 Yall just  don't know how many times she has tried to open the stall door on me in public 😒

They never get tired of being held or cuddled.

The next day. I took them to their favorite place again. 

You know this is their favorite place when they know the way to the donut 🍩 shop.  I have spoiled them.

Then to play

Back home to take a much needed nap. 😌

This little one, I swear. One minute she is aggravating the far out of you just like her daddy 👨, arguing with you like your a fence post,  throwing a play snake on you til you almost wet your pants. Then there's times like this. She grabs your hand and kisses it and falls asleep. Then she calls you back into the room after you tuck them in and she says, "You're my best friend!" And then she still wants to do chores while on vacation. 

Then there's Atleigh that is loving ❤,  nurturing and compassionate and just wants her own space so she can take a good nap. 🥰🥰 Bless both of them. They are Gmaws little buddies and Poppies Princesses 👸

Supper time 

Spoiling my sweetheart 💕.  I think he's enjoying this. 😉

Poppie got home, had his supper and of course was joined by his Princesses 👸.  

It was time for bed because he has to get up so early in the mornings. 

Next day, I took them to spend the rest of their bday money. 

Well, they have more bday money to spend and too many toys. So you do what Marines do. You, improvise,  adapt and overcome. You sit in the kids two seater buggy while they shop. 😅😅😅😅 Not ashamed.

The best lunch dates

Came home for a much needed nap. 

Got up and cooked supper for all of us and Poppie got home. They got to play with Poppie for a bit before it was bedtime. We just snuggled and watched TV too. 

Tucking in the girls last night went like this:

After we said our prayers:

Atleigh: When I was little, there was monsters under my bed and daddy came in and looked and said there was no monsters under my bed. ❤

Caroline: when I was little, there was a monster in my room and I punched him. 👊

I swear, Atleigh loves her daddy and Poppie keeping her safe. Caroline can take care of herself. 

Dear hubby was off the next day, so we got up and had coffee together before the chaos. 😅😅😅

We were just a little laid back today. We just relaxed and played games and watched TV

Everything was fine until I had to go potty and I get this 5 minutes later. When you lock them out of the bathroom because you want to do business alone. One is crying and the other is giving me a sun hat. 🌞 😢

After nap, we got up and got ready and took them to see the new Paw Patrol movie and eat


Today is the day they have to go back home. Kind of sad but kind of relieved. Don't get me wrong, if you have been following me long you know I love my grandbabies, but this Gmaw gets wore out. I think they have had a good week though. 

We got morning snuggles. 

Well, for Poppie, the snuggles didn't last long. She wanted to fight. Lol 😆

We got ready and had to leave. We are meeting Dakota half way so we don't have to drive all the way home. He has missed them so much. He has been on call and then we had them for a week so it has been a long two weeks for him. 

It's gonna be a long road trip. One is bored and already sucking on her toe and the other is not amused and thinks it's gross.

It has been a good week and Poppie and Gmaw are gonna miss the chaos and snuggles next week. But they have new things to do and see and Gmaw and Poppie is very proud of them.