
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

On The Road Again

 Well, we got to go home over the weekend and we had a good time.  

We got to see our girls and boys. ❤

Our girls missed us so much too. It is so wonderful to have little ones running to you again and hugging you. Our girls being goofy. 

We are going to have to help Dakota find someone to help keep the girls when I'm away. He has always had me and I feel bad but once again we have been telling them for two years to expect this change and here we are. He was kind of not happy when he found out I was leaving back out again with dad. Bless him.  He misses me too and this change has gotten to both our boys I guess and everyone is having to adjust.  Momma has been there all their lives and now I'm back and forth. Although dear hubby is enjoying all my attention and care. As it should be. To be honest, I have enjoyed it too. I have enjoyed our time together and serving my husband. I take my God given roll as Wife and Mother very seriously. It has been my dream and passion since I was little.  

While we were home Dallas hung out with us more too. He did miss us. Dad got to put him another deer stand together to get ready for when we get back home when the job is over. We are going to miss bow season but be home for gun season. 

We were craving pizza one night and we both got into the kitchen and made one. There was a certain way he wanted the crust done. We're always making something hot and steamy. Love is making pizzas 🍕 together. 🥰❤💋

I had some fresh basil I had put in the refrigerator to dry and ground it up in our grinder and put it into our shaker. I turned off my Aerogarden while we were away because Dallas does not know how keep maintenance on it and my herbs. When we get back home I will start some again.  

Time came for us to leave and dear hubby told me only one suitcase. This man's gone think I can't fit all this stuff in my suit case. Y'all please. Hold my coke 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😁 A months worth of clothes in that baby. Take that. 😁

We stopped at Academy Sports on the trip back out and I picked up several Tshirts. These two are my favorites.  If you know me, you know....😅😅😅

Dear hubby let me find a tanning place out here and I just got a small package. It helps my RA and it's good therapy. I still want to go to the lake a few times again before it starts getting too chilly. 😫   

Here it is fall now. Boy, where did summer go. I'm ready to embrace it reluctantly though. I don't  do well in cold weather. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing I get to use my fireplace.  🔥🔥

Every day we enjoy seeing this herd of deer on this property. There is at least three bucks. We have seen fawns grow too. 

Hubby was on night shift this week, only two nights to go. I do alot of reading and fiddling while he is asleep so I can be quiet. When he wakes up we get to watch a few shows and then while he gets ready I cook supper so he can take it with him to work.  Alot of his out of town buddies are a little envious that he has his wife here with him. ❤😁

Well, I'm off to take care of my man. I hope everyone has a blessed day. 

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Glad you had that time, and I know you loved having those little girls run and greet you. It's the best!
