
Sunday, September 12, 2021

Girls Next Road Trip

 Me and Poppie went home for the weekend. This was his last weekend that he will be able to go home due to they will be increasing their hours at work.  So we made the best of it. 

We came home to a clean house. Dallas worked so hard. The kitchen was clean and the house was vacuumed. He did a good job.  I think he is enjoying his bachelor pad while we are gone. The weather got bad one night but our great neighbors were keeping an eye on him too.  We have awesome neighbors in our neighborhood and we take care of each other and look out for each other. Dallas is learning alot. This is good for him learning to do things on his own even if it's not the way we would do it. We are proud of him.

Dear hubby needed to get some discing done on our deer club and our property for deer plots this winter. Another member of the club will plant next week. He also bushhogged over at his mommas house so Dakota can work somemore on our new project.  

Dakota did not have to go to LA for relief efforts but he has been on call and have not got to see the girls alot. 

I cooked supper for us. Harvested our lettuce from our Aerogarden and made their own salads.

It's time for them to go on another road trip with us so they came to spend the night with us so we could leave the next day. Dear hubby took Dallas to town so he could buy himself some groceries and Dallas wanted to go to the gravesites. I got the girls and myself ready and their luggage together. Dallas is still dealing with their passing in his own. Visiting the gravesite seems to help. They cleaned up all around Nanny, Grandmothers, his brother and sisters sites. 

They got back home and it was time for us to leave. We got Dallas settled all in again and he helped us pack the truck. 

She yells,  "I'm not sleepy!!!" 5 minutes later. Good girl. 

Movies,  snacks,  drinks check. 

Handsome driver. 3rd road trip with Poppie and Gmaw.

We got back to our destination and just grabbed something to eat. 

It was time for bed and then Poppie had to go into work. Caroline was sad that he had to go to work. Poppie said that he had to work so he could buy her somecandy, so then she was fine. 😅😅

Thank goodness for activity back packs

Today we need to go get some groceries for here and I'm going to let them spend some of their bday money we brought with us.  

When you just need reassurance that you can potty safely.  😅 Yall just  don't know how many times she has tried to open the stall door on me in public 😒

They never get tired of being held or cuddled.

The next day. I took them to their favorite place again. 

You know this is their favorite place when they know the way to the donut 🍩 shop.  I have spoiled them.

Then to play

Back home to take a much needed nap. 😌

This little one, I swear. One minute she is aggravating the far out of you just like her daddy 👨, arguing with you like your a fence post,  throwing a play snake on you til you almost wet your pants. Then there's times like this. She grabs your hand and kisses it and falls asleep. Then she calls you back into the room after you tuck them in and she says, "You're my best friend!" And then she still wants to do chores while on vacation. 

Then there's Atleigh that is loving ❤,  nurturing and compassionate and just wants her own space so she can take a good nap. 🥰🥰 Bless both of them. They are Gmaws little buddies and Poppies Princesses 👸

Supper time 

Spoiling my sweetheart 💕.  I think he's enjoying this. 😉

Poppie got home, had his supper and of course was joined by his Princesses 👸.  

It was time for bed because he has to get up so early in the mornings. 

Next day, I took them to spend the rest of their bday money. 

Well, they have more bday money to spend and too many toys. So you do what Marines do. You, improvise,  adapt and overcome. You sit in the kids two seater buggy while they shop. 😅😅😅😅 Not ashamed.

The best lunch dates

Came home for a much needed nap. 

Got up and cooked supper for all of us and Poppie got home. They got to play with Poppie for a bit before it was bedtime. We just snuggled and watched TV too. 

Tucking in the girls last night went like this:

After we said our prayers:

Atleigh: When I was little, there was monsters under my bed and daddy came in and looked and said there was no monsters under my bed. ❤

Caroline: when I was little, there was a monster in my room and I punched him. 👊

I swear, Atleigh loves her daddy and Poppie keeping her safe. Caroline can take care of herself. 

Dear hubby was off the next day, so we got up and had coffee together before the chaos. 😅😅😅

We were just a little laid back today. We just relaxed and played games and watched TV

Everything was fine until I had to go potty and I get this 5 minutes later. When you lock them out of the bathroom because you want to do business alone. One is crying and the other is giving me a sun hat. 🌞 😢

After nap, we got up and got ready and took them to see the new Paw Patrol movie and eat


Today is the day they have to go back home. Kind of sad but kind of relieved. Don't get me wrong, if you have been following me long you know I love my grandbabies, but this Gmaw gets wore out. I think they have had a good week though. 

We got morning snuggles. 

Well, for Poppie, the snuggles didn't last long. She wanted to fight. Lol 😆

We got ready and had to leave. We are meeting Dakota half way so we don't have to drive all the way home. He has missed them so much. He has been on call and then we had them for a week so it has been a long two weeks for him. 

It's gonna be a long road trip. One is bored and already sucking on her toe and the other is not amused and thinks it's gross.

It has been a good week and Poppie and Gmaw are gonna miss the chaos and snuggles next week. But they have new things to do and see and Gmaw and Poppie is very proud of them. 

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