
Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 Well, I have to say, it has been extremely quiet since the girls went home. 😒I'm kind of sad 😥.  I'm use to having children under my feet, on my leg or in my lap. Or settling some kind of tiff between them or calming an agitated one. Screaming sort of say. Hmmmm....🤔maybe I just need to enjoy the tranquility of this. 😅😅😅

However,  dear hubby is so enjoying me being with him. We have waited for this for years. 23 yrs of raising boys. Now, we can focus a little on us. Well, alot. He has patiently waited on me all these years and never once complained. 

Yesterday I had to go and pick up a few groceries after making a menu plan. You see, we're not in the comforts of our own home. We can't shop our stocked pantries or freezers like at home. I have to meal plan and shop light. 😩 Y'all, after cooking for so many people for so many years, this is new to me. Downsizing. I'm struggling. I don't know how to just cook for two people. 😕 But I will learn. 

I am cleaning the rent house as we speak. Not saying that the owner didn't have it clean when dear hubby got here but I'm just maintaining it since we are staying here. She has all the things we need to clean and such, but I just felt more comfortable going and purchasing my own things in case I broke something. It would be my money gone, not hers.  

I went to Dollar Tree and found alot of my cleaners. I also got what I needed to make my homemade cleaner and a spray bottle.  However,  I have came across this cleaner and I cannot tell yall how amazing it is and it is concentrated so you don't use near as much.  And it's only $1. You can't beat that. 

I also found these. It is the handle and different attachments. $5 y'all for a cleaning set. 

Dust mop, dust pad, regular mop head, the stick and the pad attachment. ♥ It worked so good. 

I d0 the same thing here that I do at home and that is wash the dishes as I go. I have to. She doesn't have a dishwasher. Helps me stay in my habit. 

I cleaned so much yesterday, I aggravated my back and knee and they have been hurting and burning. Cooked supper and ate because dear hubby didn't get off until 7pm and he told me to go ahead and eat. Cleaned the kitchen and parked my carcuss for the rest of the night. I was exhausted but he was so appreciative for supper.  He said he was getting use to this.  

I get up every morning with him way before I'm use to, and have coffee with him. He loves our time together even if it's quiet and no words spoken. He's not a big talker and I'm chatty. 

He left for work and boy did I want to crawl back into bed, but I didn't want to mess up my routine. So, I stripped the beds and got laundry going.  

 I then waited until the sun came up and made me some breakfast.  Grabbed my book and went out on the back porch, ate, read, and enjoyed listening to nature.  

Then it was time to do more cleaning. I'm hitting every room and cleaning like I clean. 

In the middle of that, I get this text from Dallas.  

Just  when you think they don't miss you or even love you sometimes,  you get this. ❤ . 

Took a shower, got ready, ate lunch and then took a much needed nap. 

Got up, cleaned a little more. 

Started cooking supper for my sweetheart.  

Beef fajitas with spinach tortillas, stuffed queso bites (never had them), and southwest whole kernel corn. 

Then we are just gonna park our carcasses and relax with some TV. 

Hope everyone had a blessed day in an undivided world. But God has got this.  🙌

1 comment:

  1. Aw, your son missed you! Your breakfast looks delicious. I love sitting outside and reading.
