
Thursday, September 23, 2021

Just Doing What I Want

 One thing about traveling with Dear Hubby here lately, is I've had some time for me. I have served my family for 30 years. Yes, I have enjoyed every minute of it. It has been my passion. My childhood dream. 

However,  every once in a while, we have to invest in some time for ourselves. To rejuvenate,  grow, gain wisdom. I am in that season of my life. No, I'm not done serving my family. Far from it. I'm just learning new ways that fits this season in my life. 

I grabbed some old books that have been in my library and bought some new ones. 

These books y'all have ripped me up one side and down the other and has opened my eyes.  I wish I would have had these books when I was younger.  They are for single or married women. Yes. They are God's foundation and principles of a woman's place in the home, their personal lives and marriage. ❤❤ 

You can find these on Amazon. You don't have to buy them brand new. Three of these books are used. 

They will stay in my library.

I have studied my Bible more. I have had the chances to sit down and meal plan for me and dear hubby. Although it has been a struggle to prepare meals just for two people. I have cooked for 4 or more for two decades now and it is hard for me to down size. I will get the hang of it eventually.  

Well, I've got to fix dear hubby's supper for tonight.  Last night of this shift. 

1 comment:

  1. I was struggling to downsize meals until lately. Now I am cooking for my ill mother and now my one daughter who has now been tested for covid. I think I have read the bottom two, but borrowed them from the library.
