
Friday, September 2, 2022

Recipe and Tying Up Loose Ends

 Well, we have had a great month of August but dear hubby has got to go to work again. 😢.  It seems like we just got home. We knew we had a month to spend with family,  and work on our kitchen. It went by way too fast. We have our kitchen unpacked and set back right and organized except two pantry cabinets still left to get. I can shift things around later when we get those. We've got most all our doors changed out and up. Little things like finishing trim, one more door and applying all handles and knobs on cabinets and drawers can wait until later. It is looking so good and I couldn't be more proud of my husband for his accomplishments and hard work. Also our handy man. 

I would like to share a good meal with you too. I was so proud of this meal and it was so economical and cost friendly.  

I used alot of things I had on hand and left over. 

First, I had some left over egg roll wraps that I wanted to make spring rolls or egg rolls with. I used a jar of my home canned saurkraut from a few years back. It did not get as sour as I had liked when I canned it,  so I knew it would work perfect for these. I toned it down a little more with some sesame oil and soy sauce. I sauted it and threw in some shredded Zucchini we grew a few years ago and I had in the freezer. 

I wrapped them up, spritzed with olive oil and air fried. You can deep fry them if you'd like but I needed my deep fryer for our chicken. 

Next came the chicken. I was out of chicken breasts which is what I usually use so I improvised and pulled out some thighs that we bought in bulk on sale and repackaged into smaller portions and vacuum sealed. I made my own sauce with some sugar free sauces that dear hubby could enjoy. I deep fried them just a little to get that crispy battered coating. Then I transferred them to the airfryer where I basted the sauce on and finished cooking.  

Then came the cauliflower fried rice. Now, here is where it got price tricky. Normally, I buy a head of cauliflower and cut and mince it up. But they were $2.74 a head. So I went to the freezer section and the rice cauliflower in a bag was $2.24. Just two rows over was a bag of cauliflower florets for $1.00 so I snatched that and moved on. Be sure to compare prices on the different ways you can purchase and prepare things. That was a perfect example. Now, I take that bag and mince it up more to get my "rice" effect. It is healthier for dear hubby because he can't eat rice. I sautéed it in some sesame oil and soy sauce and added fresh frozen peas that was in my freezer and I know I only paid $1.00 for that bag too a while back.

 Then came our Ginger Salads. We always get one with our meals when we go get Chinese food. I usually make my own ginger dressing but this time I splurged and just got a bottle of dressing. I probably want do that again. We didn't care as much but it was ok. I will make a batch next time and have on hand. I get the recipes off Pinterest.  The bottle will do in a pinch. 

Last is the vegetable stir fry. 😋 I grabbed a bag of vegetables from the freezer section also that was $1.00. Sautéed that in some stir fry sauce I had on hand. And there you go. This meal was less than $11 to make considering I had alot on hand but I averaged the meal cost of those items in too. 

I wish I would have videod this and put on my channel but we had been working all day and was so exhausted I just didn't feel good. 😪  I barely made it to the end of the meal because my feet and legs were killing me. 😩 

I hope yall enjoyed this recipe and try it out. 😋 

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