
Saturday, September 10, 2022

New Destination

 Well, we reached our next destination for a little while. It took us 2 days to get here. I can't travel that far in one day and dear hubby took it easy on me so we broke it up in two days. The scenery was awesome. We went past the Smoky Mountains which is one of my favorite places since childhood. 

The day we arrived, we were so exhausted and still had to unload our vehicles. We went to bed that night and just passed out. 

The next day, I got our house set up and just walked around looking. 

Let's just say I'm in love. 

I have so many places to relax and enjoy, I don't know where to start first. 

Ya'll had y'alls fun all summer and Ya'll just go on back to school tomorrow. Now it's my time to shine . 🌈🌞🏝🏖🏊‍♀️

Nothing like a fresh pedicure on the pier.

Got work to do,but at least I have a good view. 👍

When you don't drink, You can work at a tiki bar too. Got new videos coming up that people have waited on forever. 😏

I am working very hard on getting my canning and Preserving videos edited to upload to our channel.  I have so many subscribers waiting for these. 

I am trying to vacation and get a little work done too. ✔️ 

Today was my Momma and Daddys 37th wedding anniversary.  

When it's partly cloudy outside, you just utilize the jacuzzi. ☺️

Dear hubby was off for a few days so we just enjoyed or time. 

Morning coffee outside 

We had a date day and went to Richmond and ate and shopped a little. 

The next day, we cooked out and watched football all day. 

I missed my AL team playing because we couldn't figure out how to stream it on this TV but we figured it out later and watched our second team TN. Yes, I am the Roll Tide fan and my guys are TN. I'm outnumbered.  

The next day we were lazy again.  

It turned out to be a great week. 

I am working on several videos to get uploaded to our channel. Stay tuned. 

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