
Sunday, August 28, 2022

A Week In The Life

 This is a week in the life of Gmaw and Poppie. It has been busy. 

First, we started the week celebrating Caroline's 4th birthday. 

The next day it was Monday and a school day. So here we go. 

We are not the after party. We are the "Before School Party" 🥳🥳🥳 Chaffles, honey bun, yogurt and applesauce for breakfast. And we said a prayer over Atleigh on our way to school.

Me and Caroline got back home and she wanted to paint and do school. Then it was time for lunch. 

Why, yes I can have a Nutella and Peanut butter, dinosaur sandwich if I want to. 😋

Then it was naptime

 50 naptime stories to some of her stuffed animals. ❤️❤️

After nap, we got outside while it was cooler and let her jump on her trampoline we got her for her birthday.  

Then it was time for Daddy to pick her up. 

The next day we got Sissy to school and we came home and did the same thing. 

Just a girl and her Poppie. Her Prince didn't want her little Princesses feet to get wet in the morning dew.

We got ready for the day. She got a cookie decorating kit as a bday gift and she chose Gmaw to do it with. 

Shhhhh......Baker Caroline is at work. 

Same naptime routine. 50 stories to the stuffed animals.......

After nap we go look for Poppie who is on the tractor and we take him some water and he takes her for a ride because he is exhausted.  

This time we had to go to their house and help put an air conditioner in their house. Of course when it was time to go, big Sissy cried because she did not want me to go because she had not got to see me all day. 

Well, this morning didn't go so smooth. 

Warning, sensitive content. 

Yep. Little sissy got sick about 4 or 5 times and it was almost  a chain reaction.  I had to roll the windows down a little. I was on a two lane hwy and no where to pull over. The good thing is, we were almost to Sissys school. We pulled in the parking lot and I quickly got Sissy inside. I opened the door and had to clean little sissy up as best as I could and we had to borrow big sissys carseat until we got home. 

I asked Poppie to meet me in the driveway and he came out and got her and took her inside. I quickly got the carseats out and just set them out on the ground.  I went inside to give Caroline a bath and change her clothes. Poppie got her settled down while I went out and washed carseats and cleaned my truck up. I saw this hack from another mom and I tried it.  You can wash your carseats with the pads still on. Just make sure to hose down real good and let sun dry. Also, make sure metal clips are dry too to prevent rusting.  

I got back inside and had to take a shower myself after that. 
Well, this is what you do when they are sick and don't like sudden loud noises but you still have handyman here to install wooden shelves. I made her comfortable,  had an emergency puke bucket and headphones to drown out the noise. And she was playing some educational games on her tablet. 

It was time for nap and we layed down. 

As the day progressed, she began to feel a little better.  

The next day, same routine. Got Sissy to school and we came back home and just read books, played games, etc. I didn't get alot of pics on this day. 

Next day, same routine. Got big sissy to school. We came home and she started playing with some little goats that we have had for years, so I got a bright idea. I found some old dvds that I had of my goats that I raised years ago before some physical set backs. (My story is on our Goat pages in the subheader.) I got them out and we watched them. Well, Caroline is getting very educated today. We have watched some videos of me taking care of my goats I use to raise. Oh yes, she has watched one give birth and oh the questions. 😁😁 Teach these country girls.

Daddy has came and got her each day. I didn't get to see big sissy again each day because by the time everyone got off work and picked everyone up, it was time to get everyone home and start nighttime routine. This is a whole new season in all our lives. Everyone is having to adjust and find a routine that works for them and make adjustments accordingly.  

Uncle Dallas and Brlee came by to visit. 

The last day of school and same thing. Off to school and each morning they have had breakfast in the truck and relaxed and watched TV in the truck. At least I know she gets a good start to her day and a full belly. 😌 Caroline and I come back and Poppie is already on the tractor trying to finish up bush hogging. We get on the Ranger and go to the ridge and find him and take him water. 

I think little sissy has enjoyed having Poppie and Gmaw all to herself. 

We have read books, played with toys and playdoh, rode the tractor and Ranger, cooked, baked, and just basically anything she wanted to do. Whoever said playing with playdoh wasn't fun....lied. 

After big sissy got out of school, they brought her to our house so they could spend the weekend with us and we could have some time with them.  We ate and had some treats. Then we got ready for bed and I popped us some popcorn and watched a movie. At bedtime I gave them something special. 

Good investment. Lullaby singing, night light puppies. Sweet dreams little buddies.

Saturday morning:

Girls on breakfast duty. Caroline did a good job scrambling eggs and flipping the sausage. Atleigh just wanted to watch Tom and Jerry with her Poppie. Bible songs and stories on the tablets.

I think this morning is just a day of relaxing and winding down from the school week. After that big breakfast,  we are all ready for a nap now. Later this evening family is coming to visit. 

Not bad on their outfits considering I didn't have them there for them to try on while sewing.

Family time and a little skeet shoot competition.


Two beautiful Princesses 👸 

I don't know wether to be proud or sad.......Caroline went to Children's Church for the first time this morning. I missed my leeches. 💒❤️❤️👑👑

I am honestly in awe of this picture. You see, the pic she is holding is of people she has never met, although I'd give anything if she could have. She grabs this pic all the time and hugs it and kisses it and tells everyone that this is her Great Great Grandpa and her Great Great Gramdma. She has a connection and I can't explain it. If she only knew.

Today's  goodbye was sad for us because it was time for them to go to mommy's for next week. 

They didn't want to leave and we didn't want to see them go. 

This is how our weeks go sometimes. 

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