
Sunday, August 21, 2022

Happy Birthday To Our Sweet Caroline

 Today is our other little buddy's birthday. I have watched you grow and mature so much over the past year. You are still tiny but oh so fierce. You're our Willy Nilly, DO it my way, Sassy, Just don't care, goofy, Scrappy, Little Sweet Caroline. I still remember all the days and nights with you also laying on my chest sleeping and singing Pop Goes the Weasel and Jesus Loves Me especially during the colic stage. Now, you love to do school and anything I'm doing and most of all you love fighting with Poppie. You are going to be the one who stands up for what is right and no one is going to bully you that is for sure. We hope you have the best day today and we love you. ❤️ The Big 4.

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