
Sunday, October 3, 2021

My Girls Are Missing Me

 Two times now I have gotten phone called from both our girls mommy and daddy saying, "The girls need to talk to you!"

And when I say need, that's what I mean. It means they were in the middle of a melt down or missing me and they were crying and saying, "I want Gmaw!" 😪😪😪😪

I feel so blessed that we have a great bond with our grandchildren.  They are our little buddies and they will tell you that. 🤗

I was able to calm both of them down on two separate occasions and make them feel better.  I feel honored knowing that they want and trust me that way. 🥰🥰❤❤

And then after they were settled they just wanted to make funny faces and show me their boogers and read to me. 😆😆😆😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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