
Sunday, October 3, 2021

New Video

 Just got a new video up on our channel. I still do not know how to post our channel link on here. 

Here is our channel 

Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms. 

Grocery Haul for meal plans for the next two weeks and tips on how to stretch the meats to make them last for more than one meal. Excuse my squirrel moments too. 😜😜😜 

 Hope yall enjoy and hope it helps. Now get to cooking.

After I got done with the latest video I got busy cutting up that big boy Butternut squash. Geez that thing was a doozy.  Plus I managed to get 12 chicken breasts out of that one big pack of chicken yall. That's 4 meals. I put them into ziploc bags and put them into the freezer. I got two bags out of the butter nut squash for two meals. 🤗🤗 

Got supper in the oven and it's smelling good up in here.


  1. Hi Tracy! I found your Youtube when I searched Keeper of the Home. I really enjoyed it - love your accent!
    I cook and plan the same way. It's a great way to stretch the budget!

  2. Thank you for watching. I'm beginning to enjoy making them. I get so nervous.
    Yes, it does stretch the budget.

  3. I could not find your Youtube, can you embed the link on your blog for us?

    1. Kristina, I'm still learning the YouTube thing. I dont know where to find the link it created for me. I also dont know how to put it in a post. Ive still got a lot to learn obviously. lol. My channel name is Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms
      I hope you enjoy it. I still have videos on my computer to add to my channel but I have to learn how to edit and that is a whole new ball game.

  4. I just visited your YouTube channel and subscribed. I absolutely love your website and videos! Blessings, Tracy! <3

  5. Thank you. I have alot more on my computer but I have to learn how to edit first. They are clips that need to be put together.
