
Sunday, October 3, 2021

Sunday Blessings


I asked God a long time ago to help me to help others with words of wisdom or encouragement.  The problem with that is, my mind goes 90 to nothing like a squirrel sometimes with thoughts just popping into my head. This is why David teases me about having squirrel moments. I can go from one though to another in 3.2 seconds. Maybe sooner. David honestly quit trying to keep up with me. Bless him. I can just be sitting and minding my own business and, bam! God puts something on my heart and into my mind. And God forbid if I don't say it because I feel like he is saying, " I gave you an opportunity and you didn't take it. I am disappointed in you my child." I honestly do not like it when I think God is unhappy with or disappointed in me. 

Occasionally,  I have to have a brain dump and get it all out. My kids have heard alot over the years and know how I work. I guess why they never talk to me because they don't like lengthy conversations. If it's going to last longer than 20 minutes they are done. 

I wake up in the middle of the night with thoughts and have trouble going back to sleep.  I have to write it down.  

My point is, I say what has been laid on my heart or pops into my mind because I feel as if it may help someone. Sometimes they are aggressive,  sometimes soft. Even when Jesus was on earth, some of his thoughts and teachings were the same. 

I will not let Satan rob me of speaking out for Christ. 

Love to everyone 💕 

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