
Thursday, August 26, 2021

Random Things and Quality Time

Monday I had a dr appt with my rheumatologist.  I did not really enjoy my visit this time. I have to go every two months and have blood work done and follow up. The last appt two months ago, I told him I was hurting really bad in my knee. I thought I was just having a flare up and inflammation. Well, after sending me to the xray room 4 times we discovered that I have a degenerative disc in my back and it is the one that is connected to my knee. Well, this visit, when he was manipulating my joints like he always does, he got to my knee and I reminded him to take it easy because it still hurts. He then asks me what's wrong with my knee. Ummmm.......really doc? This is not the first time this has happened.  Alot of times I'm having to remind him of things we discuss and things we do. I respect all doctors. I know drs see alot of patients every day for months however, this is a specialist and I have seen him for years and my appts are so see where I'm going. In other words, we see each other on a regular basis, you would think we develop a dr patient relationship after a while.  I would like to think that he "knows" all about me and my history. But here for some time I have felt differently.  I'm having to remind him of too much and there are some appts he listens and some I feel like he doesn't listen. Also, every visit is almost the same. We talk about the same stuff and he performs the same stuff. I don't really know why he has me coming every two months except to just do my lab work that I have to have done frequently or to have x-rays done that they have to keep up with. I can have blood work done at my local primary care dr and they fax him my lab work. This visit Monday though kind of made me really upset. 😕

The nurse came in and took all my vitals and she asked me if I had the vaccine yet. I told her no. She then said, Why? In a tone I didn't particularly care for. I told her because I don't want it.  She wrote that on my paper. So, after a bit, in comes my dr. The first thing he asks is the same thing. I didn't like his tone either.  😕 . For the past few visits he is really pushing this on me and I don't like it.  I explain to him I do not want it and why and he doesn't seem to like my answer. He kind of acts like he gets slightly irritated with me. After, he does all he's going to do, after me having to remind him of what we discussed and discovered at my last visit,  he walks out to the nurses station with me like he does all patients. He then tells the nurse to put in my file that I don't want the vaccine because I said I was immune to it and wouldn't get it. ARE YOU KIDDING ME DOC! I   did not say that. What I did day was that I did not want the vaccine because I did not feel it was safe just yet due to being pushed through too fast and not studied enough like all other vaccines. Also, people have already died from the vaccine and even vaccinated people are getting Covid. This is my conviction and my opinion right now and I'm entitled to it.  My husband had it back in May and we were locked in our home together the whole time. I did not get it.  I was very upset that he would mock me like that. So he schedules my next appt 6 mths out and says I can let my local Dr do my blood work and fax it to them to put into my files. I feel like he is brushing me off now due to him not wanting me to come back for a while since I am not vaccinated yet. This bothers me. He may fear for his own health and I have no problem with that but to push someone and act the way he did is not acceptable to me.  I am going to have to think on this for a while meaning, if this keeps up, and he has this attitude towards me,  I may be asking for a referral to another specialist. 

Yall, I am by no means saying this virus is not real, nor am I down playing it.  It is real and it has taken many lives. I will not go into debates with anyone on it.  Not on social media nor my blog. I will say, that as Americans , we still have a right to choose right now concerning the affairs of our bodies and we also can act on our own conviction,  concerns,  opinions and etc. This is all I will say on this matter. 😉 

In other news....😅😅

That evening after I got home from my Dr appt, I went outside to get somethings out of one of our sheds and bam!  I sprained my ankle. I heard it pop and I went down. I am not exaggerating when I say that I do this all the time. I am constantly twisting my ankles or falling down or tripping on thin air. 🙃 I made it inside and didn't realize how bad it was at first. I just knew it was burning and sore at the moment but I had things to do. This is two days apart. 

I had packing to do and get my things ready. After that,  hubby was concerned and told me to ice it. 🧊 

The next day, I cut out to be with dear hubby again. This time I traveled alone.  

I got here Tuesday and had enough time to unload truck and make supper before he got off work.  I made some super salads 🥗.  We needed to eat light after all the stuff we ate from Caroline's bday party.  🎂

We just relaxed the rest of the night. 

The next day I got up with him and we had our coffee together. He left for work and I read and prayed. I got ready and went to town to pick up some things for supper. I was so tired and my ankle and knee was just hurting.  I unloaded truck and put groceries away. I laid down to take a nap but only slept 45 minutes 😩.  I needed a good nap.  Oh well. 

I got up, waddled into the living room and read a little and propped my legs up. 

It was then time to make supper and I was so excited. I wanted to try a cauliflower crust pizza. Dear hubby is watching his carbs and sugar. I made one a few yrs ago and we liked it but the boys were not crazy about it.  So, I thought I'd do it again. It turned out so good. 

As I was cooling,  our little family of deer came out and came so close to the window. 

Maybe they could smell it,  I don't know. 😁 

We cleaned the kitchen and just watched some TV until it was time for him to go to bed. 

Got up the next morning and we had our coffee ☕ together again. ❤ He said he was enjoying this time together with me in the morning.  It makes his morning more enjoyable before he goes to work.  

I then proceeded to go back to my favorite spot for some sunshine and water therapy:

I took this time to do alot of praying for my family. I connect better with God when I'm in my own element. I began praying for our oldest son whose divorce became final and he has accepted the fact that he is a single man even though he didn't choose to be. He held on as long as he could and finally just signed the papers. It became final and it hit him. He is trying to move on but momma knows his heart. He hides things really well. He goes out and he tries to date but it's all new to him again. He's afraid of starting over. He is scared and is afraid of being hurt again.  Every time he meets someone, it will be OK for a few days but then he gets cold feet and let's go. I am ready for him to just find happiness now with someone. He deserves it. I will have to keep praying. 
I've had to pray for our girls again. Their mommy has moved in with her acquaintance and the girls have started a preschool there. Atleigh loves it but Caroline not so much. So many changes and she doesn't do change well.  It will take them a bit to adjust again. 

Got back to the rent house and rented and then got ready. It was date night with my sweetheart  💕

Tomorrow we will go home for the weekend and see our little buddies. Poppie and Gmaw have missed them. 


  1. I have rheumatoid arthritis and was also in to see my rheumatologist this week. Mine also pushed me to get the vaccine the last time I was there. I was waiting for the same reason you were. I did end up getting it, because it's now been given for a while and I've seen my patients who had it get covid and have very little symptoms. So I decided to do it, but I totally understand your viewpoint and frustration with the Dr. I feel like it they trust it so much, they should be fine in getting it and being protected, right?

  2. You're exactly right. If they are vaccinated and are wearing masks,we'll, they are protected and protecting themselves. Let me make my own choice.
