
Saturday, August 28, 2021

Just Me and Dear Hubby

 Well, we decided not to go home this weekend after all. We do miss our little buddies but at this time we chose to have quality time alone. You see, for 23 years we have poured our entire being into our own two sons and sometimes put ourselves on the back burner. My husband patiently waited all the time for my attention. Bless his heart. He never once complained. He knew I wanted to be the best mother I could be and he also was comforted knowing that I took such good care of his children. However, sometimes at the end of a long, tiring day, he only got what was left of me if there was anything left. He should have been first and foremost. Fast forward 23 yrs and now both kids are out of school. One out of the house and his own family and one still waiting on his entrance to his future. 

Ad you can tell, we are also heavily involved in the care of our grandchildren.  I wouldn't have it any other way. We want a good relationship with our grandchildren and we have that. So much as sometimes they never want to go home. They want us all the time. They are part of our flesh and blood. We have a bond with them that can't be broken. 

However,  this season in our lives we need time now together for us. We have been preparing our son and their mother that after Dallas graduated high school that I was going to start going on small trips here and there to where dear hubby is working. I can't travel long distances but I can only travel so far due to my RA. 

This season he is working close enough that I can go back and forth and make frequent trips. 

We chose to stay home this weekend for us. Our time together. Dear hubby knew this was hard for me because I have been the active grandmother in our grandchildrens lives for the last 4 years. 

What makes it easier is I can go back and forth and we can rotate with sometimes I come alone and sometimes I can bring them put here to see Poppie. We will do this for the rest of the fall while he is here. This works out perfect. We get some us time and we get some grandchildren time ❤

The past few weeks, other grandmothers have stepped up to the plate and helped so this was possible. I am forever grateful.  

I have one more year with Atleigh before she goes to Kindergarten and two years with Caroline before she goes unless they want to put her in preschool.  Next year I will have Caroline one on one. 

After both are in school, I can go on other trips further away while he's working but want have the option to go back and forth. Once we hit the road, we will be there until the job is through. It will be hard but we also have to think of our time now. 

We've waited years for this.  

Until then, we are just going to enjoy this time and small trips here and there. I'm Thankful for this weekend with my sweetheart. It was about time. 

Don't know what we will do or where we will go but as long as we are together I don't care.  

My sweetheart has also enjoyed seeing me relax and worry free. He worries that I am always stressed because I'm always thinking about others and serving others. I am always worried or stressed over our children's lives and such. I've always just wanted to be there. However it plays an emotional toll on me and I get overwhelmed and distraught.  That's just part of being a mother. But as our children get older I have realized I can't live my children's lives for them. I have to learn to LET GO and LET GOD.  Loosening those apron strings have been hard for me. I took my position as mom very seriously. Well, now it's time to embrace WIFE position and so far dear hubby says I'm doing a good job. He has enjoyed seeing me relax and have a good time. In order to do that I just hated to remove myself from the equation for a spell. It has freshened my mind and relaxed me at the same time.  So this is what vacation feels like. 😁😁😁

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