
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Happy Birthday

Yesterday was our Little Scrappies 3rd bday. She has brought so much joy and happiness in our lives not to mention alot of other things. 😇😇 She is who she is but she is also so much like her daddy. She knows what she wants, when she wants it,  and wants it her way. 😏 if she doesn't get it, she will give you the stinky eye. She is tiny but fierce. She is like an onion, you have to peel the layers back one at a time. She is a go getter and you have to see through her facade to see her sensitivity. She's got sass and she will go far in life after getting sent to her room alot first. 😅😅. We love her dearly and she's gonna stand up for her self and her beliefs. ❤ Happy birthday sweet Caroline.  Poppie and Gmaw love you whole bunches.

We celebrated her birthday with a party at our house. 

1 comment:

  1. Aww - what a fun time! Happy Birthday to her. (I have a granddaughter who sounds very similar!)
