
Thursday, August 19, 2021

Caroline's Birthday Week

 This week is Caroline's bday 🎂 week. We spoiled Atleigh for hers and now we are spoiling Caroline. 

We combined her bday week with road trip. It was their turn to go. 

Trust me when I say, I am so glad I made those activity back packs. Whew!   They kept them entertained. 

But I will tell you what they loved the most. I made some road trip scavenger hunt binders. I printed out some game pages I found online and put them in sheet protectors.  I got dry erase markers and erasers. As we were riding,  they wanted to take them out and see how many things they could find out the windows. Atleigh enjoyed it more and it kept her more entertained.  Then we had movies, snacks and an occasional nap. Always helps. 😁

Poppie was following close behind. We stopped to get some lunch, and stretch and get the wiggles out. 

We made it to our rent house. We ate a light supper and I got them ready for bed and just relax a little. Of course they had to snuggle with Poppie. 

They are getting so good at self care. 

We got in bed early because Poppie has to get up so early.  I didn't hurt is any. We just went to bed when the girls did. 

The next morning, I got up after dear hubby went to work.  The girls were so tired they slept in. I had my coffee, and my devotions on the back porch of the rent house. It was so peaceful. 

The girls woke up and they got to see a few ducks that live here across the road. They are out here all day every day. 

We got ready and went to town. We had to pick up a few groceries for the girls to eat. I am trying to keep somewhat the same kind of routine here as we do at home. You have to when you have little ones.  New places and new things can make them a little nervous. Unfamiliar things can cause just a hint if anxiety. Plus, if you get out of your routine,  your trip can turn a little sour in a hurry. So I took them to our favorite donut 🍩 shop. They ate mine too. 😅 

Poppie and Daddy gave them some spending money and they had their lock box money from chores. So many toys, not enough time. I should have taken a chair and just sit down. 🙃

I took them to get their nails done just for fun. 

We got back and ate lunch and took a much needed nap.  

I had to bring their table and chair because the land lord had a glass table and only two chairs.  Like I said, keep it feeling as close to home as possible. 

Then they played with their toys they got the rest of the time. I made supper and before we knew it, Poppie was home from work.  Then movie and popcorn. 

It was bedtime and I'm so glad I brought their sound machine. Makes bedtime in a strange place easier. 😴

Next day:

We packed a lunch and headed to the local Lake around here. It has a little aquarium in the visitor center. That was a big hit. They got to pet some turtles. Then they played on the play ground and swam. 

The next day we went back to our favorite place to get more donuts and kolasels. Y'all love them as much as me now. 😅

Then we found a little place to go and play. It's like one giant play room. It is in a mini mall. I let yall play for two hours. 

While they were playing, there was a massage chair. I couldn't tell if I was getting a massage or violated. LOL. 

Right beside this place was an ice cream shop. 🍦 yes please. 

That evening when Poppie got off work, he came and picked us up and we went out to eat. 

The next day was time to travel home. 😌

Well, I would say we have had a good week for Caroline's bday. I am so proud of them. They traveled really good.  So thankful for busy binders,  activity back packs, traveling trays, snacks, movies,  stuffed animals and blankets. 😅😅😅

I am so proud of both of them. Bed times were easy and traveling was good. We had a great time. I love making memories with my grandchildren.  

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