
Saturday, May 15, 2021

Can I Come Up For Air Yet?

 When I say we have been busy, that is an understatement.  We celebrated Mothers Day with our dear Mothers. We always try to have a cool out with my parents the day before. So that morning I got up and cooked all of my mommas favorites. 

Earlier in the week I had the girls make all the Mothers some cards. 

After lunch we got outside and played corn hole. It was such a beautiful day. 

They made it back home safely. 

The next day, we all went to church together. Our church presented all the Mothers with a special gift too. 

My sweetheart bought me this dress. I love it.  Sorry about the lighting, it was just fixing to rain.  

We had lunch with Grandmother after church. The boys had also surprised me with some goodies. 

We got home and I took a much needed nap because I was exhausted from the past two days. You are going to hear that word alot in this post because it's pretty much how I have been most of the past few weeks. 

This Mothers Day however was different for sweet hubby. He missed his mother and so did everyone. It really was not the same. As most of you know, my sweethearts mother passed back in the winter. He was a mommas boy needless to say. She was a beloved mother and an upstanding woman in the community and a faithful servant in her church. 

We have been rocking on with school and some days you just let them pick what they want to do. And add in lots of snuggles and play time. 

Dallas and Brylee wrapped up their lessons and are done. Phew!   We got to go see her perform in their Spring Concert for school. 

They got to pick up their caps and gowns. It is getting so real. 

One $10 toy is all it takes sometimes to keep some kids happy.  

We have been maintaining yards around here and I have had to do my carpets this season. 

We were outside working one day and it was all sunshine and we were cutting us some fresh flowers. Then all the sudden it turned blue and I knew it was going to rain any minute. We were finishing up and it started sprinkling. I told the girls to go ahead and go get on the porch. They were headed that way and all of the sudden out of nowhere,  a gush of 50 mph wind came through and started blowing debris everywhere. I got hit in the head with a stick and I was afraid the girls were going to get hit and I screamed for them to get in the house.  Atleigh started screaming and crying and was trying to get the door open and the wind caught it and jerked it out of her had and hit Caroline which sent her flying into the picnic table. Then she was screaming and crying. I reached the back porch and got the door off of Caroline and grabbed them and shoved them inside. We had to calm everyone down. Atleigh does  not like storms and she thought her Gmaw was going to get "blewed" away. Brylee and Dallas came running into the utility room to see what all the commotion was about. We got everyone calm and listened for it to blow over. It all happened in a matter of about 15 minutes. Then all the sudden quietness. And sunshine. What in the world just happened? Dakota had just gotten off of work and was headed to pick up girls when he called and said he just got called back in. What ever it was knocked 100s of people out of power. It was around 8pm when I finally checked on him and he said he was only a mile from us working but it was bad and didn't know when he would be done. So I just told him to be safe and the girls would stay here. They were out all night. One of his coworkers snapped this pic as he was climbing a pole at sunrise that next morning. 

I told y'all he was our pole dancer. 😁😁 I d0 worry about him every time he has to go out into a storm. All I can tell the girls is, "Daddy has to go turn someone's lights back on!" People were reporting damage all around the next day. He worked all that next day and then was able to get Ag to her game that evening. Poor thing had gone 32 hrs straight with no sleep. 

We have watched all of Ags games. Except one so far. Dallas was not feeling good one day. 

All I know is I am ready to see my son happy and alive again. 💙  I sat down one night and wrote him a 6 page letter. Things I just couldn't say in person because I didn't want the children to hear. He is trying so hard to heal the hurt  and move on. I don't know exactly what God has planned. I don't know if this is a bump in their journey or if God has his soul mate out there. I really thought they were sole mates. I don't know anymore. I have prayed and worried and prayed more.  I'm having to tell myself the same advice that I told him and that is to wait on the Lord. That's all we can do. I have my family who is prayer warriors on it too. 🙏

The time is drawing closer for Dallas to ship out and we don't have much time left to spend with him. Unless he gets delayed on his ship date we only have a couple of weeks. 😳🥺 . He is looking forward to it but a little anxious.  

I just need to come up for air a bit. 

We have a fair in town this week and tonight is the last night. I thought their mom was going to take them, but she never did, so we are all fixing to get ready and meet for supper and take these girls to the fair. I hope everyone stays safe and happy. 

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