
Sunday, May 16, 2021

Fun Time At The Fair

 We got to take the girls to the fair last night. I was so glad to get to hang out with my boys and girls plus one.  

The girls were so tired and was upset because they wanted to go home with Gmaw. Bless them. I promised them I'd be there first thing in the morning to pick them up for church. Daddy likes to go to church with a nice little Christian couple friends of his and that's fine. The girls just love going with me. 

So that's exactly what I did this morning. 

And this is how our morning at church went:

 So the moment finally happens when you are I'm a public restroom, namely at church,  and you take your littlest granddaughter(you know, the mischievous one) in the bathroom to change her and then decide you might as well go while you're in there. Then all the sudden you are seated and defenseless, it happens. She looks at you with that little mischievous smile and has her hand on the door lock at the same time. Yep,  you know what happens next. 😳🙄🤦‍♀️😱 

Then after an hour of training and teaching her to not talk during church, as soon as the deacon says, "Amen" at the closing prayer and then she shouts, "Can I talk now!!!"   Yes, by all means you can talk now. 

And then there's the time that you work so hard to get her hair fixed for church and you threaten.....I mean, encourage, her to leave her hairband in her hair,  then she finally jerks it out proudly because she just wants wild and free hair. 😜

I swear I need a shirt that says, YOU'RE KILLING ME SMALLS, And she needs one that says, HI, IM SMALLS. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 

And then there's little Atleigh who is just content to color, draw, try to read and just snuggle with me and eat her snacks 😋.  Two different personalities,  but life is still good.

After church their mommy came to pick them up. Atleigh takes one look at her mom and says, " Don't ever come pick me up at Gmaws. I'm staying here!" Oh my. Mommy had to bribe her to leave. 😳 

Just goes to show we have an awesome relationship with our grandchildren.  

The Gmaw Mobile got a good washing today and is ready for road trips. This has been a life saver. That fair was too crowded for my liking last night and there is no way I can carry two toddlers myself.  ❤😁

1 comment:

  1. The Fair is always fun!
    I loved reading about your little one. My daughter was similar, and especially liked to act up in church. Now she has one just like her! :)
