
Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day 💓


I cannot tell you how much these two ladies mean to me. They have always been my inspiration and mentors all my life. I have gleaned, watched and practiced (still trying) how they live and lived. My beautiful Mother, who unselfishly sacrificed her life raising three girls and hit her knees more on my behalf than I can count through my stupid, know it all, rebellious teen age years. Lord, forgive me. No matter the time or day, I can call her and vent, rant, rave, scream, yell, cry and then ask her to hit her knees again on our behalf. All of us. And she just lovingly obliges. She helps me keep my sanity when I'm on the verge of loosing it . Bless her. ❤ 

My beautiful Grandmother.  😍

She was my inspiration too to being who I am today. I wanted a marriage and family just like her and my PaPa. I watched her love her husband and children and grandchildren so unselfishly and sacrificed her needs and comfort to make sure every one else was taken care of first. She is the picture perfect Proverbs 31 woman. She hit her knees on my behalf as well. I'm pretty sure Momma called her too and had "conversations " about me. 😆

I wish I could still talk to her today.

I learned alot from this lady as well. Sacrifice, dedication to family, gentleness with a dash of hard core, unconditional love,  and forgiveness.  She raised one "special boy 👦" to whom I am very proud to call my husband. I will finish taking care of him for you Nanny. I promise.

I am proud to be the Mother of these two rowdy,  rough, stubborn, strong willed, rebellious,  aggravating  hard heads 😆but most of all loyal, dedicated,  loving, sensitive,  strong, determined, full of grit, passionate cowboys 🤠.  They are the exact ones I want having my back anyway. You boys will never know or understand the depth of my love for you. Love Mom. 💘

I am proud to be the Gmaw of these two little blessings.  One will tell you straight up she is a Gmaws buddy and don't mess with me. The other will say, "Nope"  just to aggravate me but I know she is. I love playing with and teaching these two. We have so much fun together. Sometimes I have to get  a little rough and be the bad guy a minute but I'm so thankful for their little hearts is forgiveness.

As long as there is one breath left in my body, my husband, boys, and my little buddies will be loved and taken care of and covered in prayer ❤.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mothers Day! There are a lot of beautiful women in your family.
