
Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Past Few Days

 We've just been having fun the past few days. 

Atleigh had her first T-ball game of the season. 18 yrs ago for Dakota and 15 yrs ago for Dallas, we were on this same field watching them play. Here we are again watching Little Slugger. After the game, we grabbed some supper.  We had 15 in our crew. And before anyone gets all rawled up, our state has lifted all restrictions. So we are slowly getting back to normal. 

The next day dear hubby and I celebrated our First Date Anniversary 31 years ago. 

31 years ago today, our love story began. We have never looked back, only looked forward to the prizes that awaited us. We have worked together as a team and had no regrets. This is our journey and we will enjoy it together. 

In January of 1990,  I was so sick of boys it was pathetic. I needed a fresh new start to my life cause I was cleaning it up. I sat on the hood of my car and prayed that God would just send me somebody who loved me. They didn't have to know why, just as long as they did, I didn't care. And I asked him to throw in tall,dark, and handsome too. So that way I would know it was God. Well, 

31 yrs ago this tall, dark and handsome drink of water asked me out on a date.  I was skeptical at first cause I didn't want to screw up again and not follow Gods plan. The tall, dark and handsome should have rung a bell, but I didn't catch it. 

Well, there was just some thing about him. Maybe it was those baby blues, I don't know, but I said ok.  He scared me because on this first date he already told me he loved me. Now, I'm thinking boy, you're moving way to fast for me. But I let him tell me anyway.  Three weeks later he scared me more when he said he knew I was the one he was going to marry. In my head I wanted to run, but once again, those baby blues did it, along with my heart.  And look at that face. Who could resist that? I felt then God was giving me a fresh new start. So, I just had to ask, "Why do you love me?" His answer, "I don't know, I just do!" BAM!!!! It's like God Gibb slapped me in the back of my head and I remembered my prayer. Then I knew, this is the one. David said, "It took you that long to figure it out? I've been knowing it all along!" Really? Smarty pants. 

Boy, am I so glad I did say yes. It has been an incredible journey and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'd do it all over again. We have come a long way with God's grace and this December we will be married 30 years. I am one who can truly say God answers prayers. I love you David Dixon with all my heart. Thank you for not knowing why you love me. Lol. ❤❤❤❤❤💋💋💋💋

Me and the girls had to take care of Poppie all day yesterday. He was so hoarse and couldn't talk. He was running a low grade fever. All the pollen around here is pretty thick right now. We have all been sneezing and coughing.  I tried to keep them occupied so he could get some rest. They are pretty good little nurses. 

Sometimes they want to play, sometimes they want to help Gmaw.

Today we've just played and had a good day. Poppie took each girl to a little store down the road to let them pick out some candy. They were beginning to aggravate each other and we had to have plan b. Sometimes that's to separate them. After nap we got outside and played and worked. 

We got our fairy 🧚‍♀️garden fixed back up again. 

Dakota came and picked them up and now I'm just straightening up and eating supper. Then, I'm just gonna sit down and rest and spend the rest of the night with me sweetheart. 

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