
Monday, April 12, 2021

Just Living Life

 We are just living life around here. 

We are playing outside:

We are doing school:

Learning Home Economics:

I taught them to sort and fold their own laundry and hang their clothes up. And then they want to help me fold laundry. Lord forbid if you grab their piles they pick out to fold because they will get upset. Yes, they get rewarded for helping Gmaw in the house. 

Poppie got to be off for a few days and they are soaking it up 

Dallas' graduation invitations came in and it is getting real. 

This little one loves on me on her terms and then there is times she is apologizing for spilling something in the floor. ❤😍 

Everything is blooming around here and causing a little allergy discomfort, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It is gorgeous and I love all the new life God brings and wakes every sleeping thing up. Well, maybe not snakes. 

We have chosen not to grow a garden this year because quite honest, we have no room. Panties and freezers are still full and we would like to eat all of what we have out and start fresh and new next year. This will give us the opportunity to get some other small projects done around here this summer and take a little break. 

Still dealing with and praying for a few family issues in our family. That being said, our Daughter in law has left again. I don't know all the details. I thought everything was going good but I guess not.

She has chosen to file for divorce and it will be final soon. Our hearts are still broken because just when we thought things were getting better, they turned. We have battled with this since last October and we have been through all stages with our son. He is in the anger and bitterness stage and just angry. I can only try to comfort so much. I pray everyday for God to heal the hurt in him. Only he can. He has tried to move on but he tries to hold on too. I am praying the healing comes soon so he can move on. 

Life can get complicated some times and you can't fix everyone's problems and yes, this plays on a mommas heart ♥.  I have worried and cried so much that I made myself physically sick and I just can't anymore. I have learned to just hand it over to God and say, "Here Lord, I'm tired and I'm just gonna trust you." That's all we really can do after you have said all you can out of love and quideance. 

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather. If not yet because of your seasons, maybe soon. 


  1. Such sweet little girls! You are a wonderful grandma.
    Allergies are going strong here too.
    I've done my share of worrying about kids too and handing things over to God. And sometimes I take it back and worry again!

  2. Looks like you have some amazing laundry helpers there. Prayers for your family issues, hope you get peace from it soon. I've been doing my best to hand things over to God every night. Just waiting for it to warm up today (and trying to be good and do inside paperwork, yuck) before getting out to enjoy the sunshine today. Happy Thursday!
