
Sunday, April 18, 2021

Happy Sunday

 We had a good day today.  Got to take my best buddies to church.  

We're all good until they run off and leave Gmaw. Poppies Princesses 👸♥

We came home and ate lunch and took a nap so daddy could work on the pasture at Nannys. He is going to get some cows. This is something he's wanted to do for a few years and by golly he's gonna do it. Then he came and picked them up.  

I fixed me, Dallas and Brylee some supper. I love fixing spaghetti in my pressure cooker. It's just like an instant pot. 

I fixed some toasted bagels in my air fryer. Sorry I didn't get a photo. I was too hungry. 

I cleaned up and retired for the night. 

I want to share some things with y'all.  I have delayed in posting it because I wanted to know for sure if it worked or not or helped. I have been experimenting and playing around with essential oils and I can post this now with confidence.  

I got dear hubby to get me a diffuser. It came with 20 different oils. 

 I know a diffuser works because sometimes when the toddlers get a cold, I will run some Eucalyptus oil in it and it will help relieve their stuffiness  and congestion.  Also, we bought Dallas one for him to run some lavender in at night because he has sleep issues. Dallas' girlfriend, Brylee, uses one and she loves hers too. She suggested it a long time ago. 

So I've been playing around with it for a while.  Well, I researched into oils more and started looking up things. Y'all, I am sold. 

I have found so many remedies for so many things. I just used Pinterest as my go to guide and took notes. I also bought a book and it was well worth the money. 

I bought a nifty little box to store all my oils. And I bought some rollers so I can make blends to put in my purse or for on the go. You can also research Reflexology.  It is where you massage oils onto certain pressure points and etc. Massage therapist use this method and oils all the time. 

I bought Dallas a men's lava stone bracelet so he can wear it.  You can put oils of your choice on each bead and refresh it as often as needed. 

I am a firm believer God put everything here for a reason. The Bible says so. 

Genesis 1:29-31

I am by  no means trying to sell any products. I am just sharing what I have learned and just passing it onto you. If you are somewhat interested, you should research essential oils for Aeromatherapy.  Then get on Pinterest and just type in "essential oils for"....and whatever you want to search for. I know peppermint is great for headaches. There is one you can start with. Lavender is a relaxant and sleep aid. Eases anxiety. There is you two. 

Also, you can research the individual oil and see what it's uses are and what it relieves. 😉


I am also by no means a medical professional. Do not reply solely on oils for serious medical conditions.  Please see a Dr for that. This is uses for simple things that Aeromatherapy can relieve instead of chemical medications. Please do research. 

I do hope this helps someone. I know these days people suffer from ADHD, ADD, Anxiety, Stress, Insomnia and Depression. All these effects our health and daily lives and alot of people want natural relief. There is nothing wrong with that. 

I hope everyone had a great day. 

1 comment:

  1. You all look so nice on Sunday!
    I have a diffuser and use it sometimes, but should get it going more often.
