
Sunday, March 7, 2021

Some Happy Girl's

 We had some very happy girls this weekend. Poppie was off work a few days and he got to spend time with his girls. They loved having all of hisattention. 

We took them to town to let them spend their lock box money and of course Poppie bought them some things too. Atleigh wanted her a few little dresses to wear for everyday and at $5 a piece, why not. We went out to eat with Dallas and Brylee and then came home.  We let them spend the night with us. 

The next day, Daddy came and got them and took them to see the baby calf. 

I got to get in my canning supplies and clean up. Y'all just don't know what this looked like before I got started. I am so happy now. 😊

This morning I got up and had my coffee ☕ and devotions and started reading a book I bought that I think will help me alot. 

Y'all do not know how much I need this right now.  😭

Then I got ready for church and stopped by and picked up girls and took them to church with me. He got ready and went to church with a good Christian couple friends of his.  I am so glad they are in his life right now.  

Basically my morning in church has consisted of trying to get Caroline to quit making crazy noises during church. When I asked her if she wanted a spanking, she looks straight at me with a smile and says, "Yes I want a spanking." 🤦‍♀️ No you don't baby girl,  no you don't. 😳 Atleigh is contented just coloring. We get in the truck and Atleigh tells Caroline "Just ask God to help you. Just say God I'm having a bad day, will you help me to have a better day." This girl has been listening. Caroline looks at me and says, "I'm having a bad day Gmaw. " My heart melted. I said,  "It's ok." 

I apologize to everyone who Caroline made a stinky face to in church. 😛😜🤦‍♀️

Then we get in the truck and she takes it out on her doll.

We got home and ate lunch and then it was nap time. 

This girl loves her Poppie so much I had to give her one of his shirts with his smell on it. She has literally loved on it and was asleep within one minute at nap time.  Bless her. 😍❤ 

Well it's off to bed. Gotta rise and shine in the morning.  


  1. Aww - sweet pictures of those girls! And I have a granddaughter like Caroline - so sweet, but pushes those buttons. :)
